Whose note is that?

aperezcrespo wrote on Friday, August 28, 2009:

I notice that in patient notes the pull down displays the full user name (To:)  but in the actual note the users logon name is displayed.  This might lead to some confusion in large groups.

bradymiller wrote on Friday, August 28, 2009:

What version? I couldn’t re-create this on the 3.1.0 development demo; it uses the real name (not login name).

aperezcrespo wrote on Friday, August 28, 2009:

  I tested here http://opensourceemr.com:2093/openemr/
  OpenEMR Version 3.1.0 Development Demo
and here http://opensourceemr.com:2089/openemr
OpenEMR Current Development Version (CVS) Demo
Find a patient then:
Patient->Medical Records->Notes
Assigned a chart note and in both the TO pulldown displays full user name but in the actual note it displays the logon names for both from and to.
The pulldown displays Administrator but the note displays admin

bradymiller wrote on Friday, August 28, 2009:

I misunderstood. Thought you were talking about the Popups->Letter (letter generator)
I’d post a feature request for this in the tracker, since it makes sense to use full name.

aperezcrespo wrote on Friday, August 28, 2009:


bradymiller wrote on Friday, August 28, 2009:

Opened the feature request with ID: 2846115

voipbound wrote on Friday, August 28, 2009:

what is the user and pass for the demo?

aperezcrespo wrote on Friday, August 28, 2009:


user:  admin
password: pass
