Who offers Turnkey installation, CEHRT2015 w working patient portal? costs?

I know several developers offer supported installations.
If any of you already have CEHRT2015 certification w working patient portal, I’d like to know.

Astronaut which runs VISTA, is available for $400/ mo, Amazing Charts is available for $200/mo (plus $1200 to start.)
Anyone seeing 500 Medicare visits a year will be penalized for not having CEHRT, far more than those costs.

US Medicare users should unite to promote the CEHRT certification and other essential development.

Not getting what they need will not save them money.
If OpenEMR is going to serve US Medicare billing providers, CEHRT2015 (coming July 1?) is not optional. They should expect to pay for it, but this requires organization from folks developing OpenEMR. “Cheap, does not meet needs, costs more in the end.” is not a solution.

hi @VWfeature, OpenEMR is able to serve some US Medicare providers due to the MIPS Promoting Interoperability Performance Category Hardship Exception. The application window is now open through 12-31-21.

Hardship exceptions are available for the following specified reasons:

You’re a Small Practice (TIN or virtual group with 15 or fewer eligible clinicians)
You have decertified EHR technology
You have insufficient Internet connectivity
You face extreme and uncontrollable circumstances such as disaster, practice closure, severe financial distress or vendor issues
You lack control over the availability of CEHRT

Simply lacking the required CEHRT doesn’t qualify you for reweighting.

In case of OpenEMR would the reason be small practice or lack of control?

Hi @mdsupport, the small practice reason would probably be the most appropriate choice. The approval will most likely be immediately after the form is submitted.

If there are more than 15 clinicians then would most likely have to describe the lack of control over the availability of CEHRT to be approved in the optional text box.

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Of course, OpenEMR CEHRT2015 is coming soon, supposedly July 2021. Is that date still valid?

Hi @VWfeature, we’ll have an update at our board meeting next week.