Where is employer name pulled from for Insurance?

Where is Employer Name (and other details) stored?

hi @APerez, are you looking for the employer_data table?

I was looking at patient_data. Hmmm that may explain a lot.
So, how careful does one need to be modifying employee data in demographics LBF?

Hi @APerez ,

I think it’s always good to have a backup when modify administration->layouts and to never delete entries (instead, just turn the item off).


I’m trying to rescue a bad implementation and horribly mauled database someone​ installed.

I know better. In fact I always have a testing site available to verify any changes I might consider making to any installation. Once I’ve achievd my goal in my test environment then I backup the production environment (and verify it), then and only do I go live and implement the modifications.
My better half says I have PHP (Perfectionist Half Paranoid).