I would like to add a more flexible privilege on the Carecoordination menu item.
How is the carecoordination module menu item injected into the Menu bar.
I would like to add a more flexible privilege on the Carecoordination menu item.
How is the carecoordination module menu item injected into the Menu bar.
Hello @kkappiah
It is not clear to me what you are looking for.
The ACL usually refers to the user permissions that grant access to a feature. Changing the menu bar has to do with the placement of the interface control that grants access.
Is your primary aim to change who can access the module? Or where the menu item is placed in the interface?
Best- Harley
Yes please. Exactly that.
those are two very different things.
One is discussed in:
and from a different perspective in
the other is covered here:
You will need to do a fair amount of research yourself, but come back here if you have specific questions about the processes you find.
Best- Harley
Noted. I’ll review and let you know if i have any questions