Where Can i download opensource ICD 10,HCPCS, SNOMED CT, DSM V, LOINC, CDT, CVX and Import them into openemr

Hello Openemr Community and i’m new here

We Just installed openemr 5.0.2 and we are trying to load latest data of ICD 10,HCPCS, SNOMED CT, DSM V, LOINC, CDT, CVX

Can someone please provide me the details.

hi @xdeveloper1985, to get started take a look at Admin->Other->External Dataloads

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@stephenwaite Thanks for pointing to External Dataloads.

There i didn’t find some of code types like HCPCS, DSM V etc.

How to add these options to openemr and Where can i download Valid authorized codes like icd 10 from cms.gov.

The DSM codes and the CPT codes are proprietary so one would have to purchase the codesets. But don’t bother because OpenEMR doesn’t support importing them, or the complete HCPCS codesets either.

The most frequently used of those codes can be selected and included in the codes available to put on the fee sheet by (manually) adding them to the system then assigning them to what are called ‘custom service categories’, as instructed in the wiki tutorial linked below. The process is only slightly complex and once you understand what is being done it is quite straightforward.


What you’re doing is manually adding any arbitrary codes- CPT, DSM, HCPCS or even in-house custom codes- to the list of codes available in the fee sheet. When the provider documents the activities of the encounter in the fee sheet s/he can select the desired code and it will insert onto the fee sheet the code itself, its description, its fee, any modifiers, etc.

Using custom service codes, any codeset of any sort, that a practice wants to appear in billing and/ or clinical documentation may be added to the EMR.

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ICD 10 codes are one of the codesets downloaded and installed by the External Data Load module. Instructions are included there.

@stephenwaite @htuck I can successfully installed ICD 10 codes (2020-ICD-10-CM-Codes.zip and 2020-ICD-10-PCS-Order.zip) into our system.

I want to install ICD 9 codes also. At External data loads>ICD 9 showing ICD-9-CM-v32-master-descriptions.zip. Is this the latest ICD 9 codes?

How can i install GEM files( I want the relation or conversion between icd 9 and icd 10)

Please suggest.

yes, ICD9 hasn’t come out in a while

you’d have to go back a few years and find the last gems and then redo the icd10 import which might be tricky

@stephenwaite Thanks for the reply.

Can i use this ICD-9-CM-v32-master-descriptions.zip as latest ICD 9 code source?

So i need to truncate icd10_dx_order_code and icd10_pcs_order_code tables and
Can i follow these steps for installing GEM files Upgrade icd10 code set

please suggest.

sure, sounds fine @xdeveloper1985

You can find the LOINC table here and download as a CSV file. You may need to make an account.

I ran into a problem loading the table as is due to there being a column named “Status” and another called “System” both of which are reserved words in MariaDB.

I removed the column names, and saved the .csv file to the appropriate directory, in my case:

“To avoid mysql/mariadb reserved keyword conflicts, good practice to get in the habit of surrounding all column/table names with backtics[on the ~ key next to 1 on US keyboards] in queries (and avoid using caps in table names, which causes a world of hurt when trying to migrate instances from windows to linux and vice versa; btw using caps in column names is ok)”

I used the following in the SQL command window. Not the most elegant solution but it worked. Note that I actually typed out the column names of the whole table. You’ll want to do the same in place of the '…'s
Where VARCHAR(length) is the variable type.

CREATE TABLE openemr.loinc(

ValidHL7AttachmentRequest VARCHAR(255)

LOAD DATA INFILE ‘LoincNoHeaders.csv’
INTO TABLE openemr.loinc

I saw there was an import tool in PHPmyAdmin if you’re using xampp. It didn’t work for me, possibly due to the column names. For larger files you may need to adjust the settings in php.ini.

This just brings the code table into the database. You’d need to write some code to access it from the web interface.

Hope this helps.

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we are a group of public health people working in a very limited resources setting with limited coding skills, we will really grateful if you could share how to access it from the web interface as well.