What services can I offer using OpenEMR to clinics in my city?

Hi everyone,

I am new to open source and exploring ways to offer paid services using OpenEMR to clinics in my city. What kinds of paid services can I provide? Additionally, is it possible to create and sell a SaaS solution based on OpenEMR? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

Rupam Kundu

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Hello @Rupam_Kundu
You can charge customers for any of the services you perform using OpenEMR. What you can not do is to customize OpenEMR then charge people money for a copy of the code for your OpenEMR variant.

Your question sounds like you have some confusion about the restrictions imposed by using Free/ OpenSource Software (FOSS). The simple answer is that with FOSS you are selling the services of the software, not the software itself.

One common way of making money using OpenEMR is to install the system for a customer and provide support contracts for a fee. You are not ‘selling them OpenEMR’, you are charging for your installation and support services.

Another might be to configure your OpenEMR instance to input data files then charge the customers for generating reports on that data.

Selling the services of the software, not the software itself.
Good luck!