What is the process to add a custom report in 6.0

I grabbed a report that was close, modified things and now I want to put my new report in, but I cannot figure out how.

Running version 6.0.0(2)

@JaredBusch Go to /openemr/interface/main/tabs/menu/menus/standard.json tried to find the below line in json file “label”: “Reports” and add your report details like url. label and all the things.

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While that worked, I do not like this answer because it will get lost every time I update.

There was an old commit back in v4 ( i think), that I dug up with Google, statig they added a way to just drop things in a /custom folder or something like that.

I think something like that would be a huge benefit opposed to changing core files.

I did this but it doesn’t show up in the top menu under reports?

Can you please upload your standard.json here then I can look and let you know.


My new report is indiv.php

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