What is the New Patient Form?

I see “The New Patient Form” referenced a few different places in the documentation

Example - From LBV Forms - OpenEMR Project Wiki

  • Options: N = Show in New Patient form

This “New Patient Form” sounds useful, especially if I can set an LBF option to auto-fill from it, but after some searching through the docs and playing with OpenEMR I am not confident that I have found it.

My first thought was that the “New Patient Form” refers to the “Search or Add Patient” screen below, but after creating a new LBF form and setting the “Show in New Patient Form” option on one of the fields, I do not see that new field appear anywhere on this screen:

I fully went through the process of creating a new test patient and I have still been unsuccessful in finding a “New Patient Form”


  • What is the “New Patient Form” and where can I find it?
  • What exactly does the “Show in New Patient form” LBF option do?

Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated! - Thank you for reading!

hi @Goddard , it’s the new patient encounter form.

edit: sorry it’s the new patient form pictured above but it looks like that option is not being checked to control what fields show in the layout.

@stephenwaite I’m not sure I’m understanding what you mean by “it looks like that option is not being checked to control what fields show in the layout”.

Do you mean an option in the LBF or under Admin > Config?

Here is my LBF with the New Patient Form option set on the Chief Complaint field:

I checked for relevant-sounding settings under Admin > Config and this is the closest I found:

Is there a specific setting I need to change somewhere?

Huge thanks for your help!

hi @Goddard, is the chief complaint field displaying in the new patient form?

No, at least not that I am seeing:

(LBF and Admin > Config settings are the same as shown in above screenshots)

Patient > +Add New Patient

Not in “Who”

Not in “Contact”

Not in “Choices”

Not in Employer

Not in Stats

Not in Misc

Not in Guardian

Not in insurance

Not anywhere at the bottom

Is there somewhere else I should be checking?

Thanks for the quick reply, I really appreciate your help on this @stephenwaite !

It appears that the new patient form isn’t looking to add any fields from LBFs that have this option set in the LBF layout builder.

Hmm, any idea if that is due to something I have mis-configured, or if this is a bug? (I am on 7.0.2 Patch 1 BTW)


Maybe a feature that wasn’t implemented.

Interesting, so is there any proof that the “Show in New Patient form” LBF field option has any effect in the most recent OpenEMR release?


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Figured it out! The New Patient Form option does work, it just seems to only be intended to be used in the Demographics System Form which can be edited from Admin > Forms > Layouts

This is FANTASTIC for easily making custom intake forms/processes! Excellent Feature!

Thanks to @stephenwaite, whoever originally implemented this feature, and everyone who has contributed to its updates/maintenance!

Issue Resolved!

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Thanks for the update and clarification. Nicely done!