What is going on with my install?

thompsk wrote on Tuesday, April 20, 2010:

To whomever can help me.  My name is Ken.  I have been examining an EMR solution and I really like OpenEMR, especially v4.  I have downloaded and installed v3.2 on my system with no problems (at least none that the system is telling me).  I then go to the site.  http://emr.georgedeweymedical.net//interface/login/login_frame.php.  The username and pass is admin/pass so everyone can get it. 

The problem is when you get in and you click Administration=>Practice there is a BLANK SCREEN.  I have done everything I can think of to fix it.  I have reinstalled it about 3 times.  I have pinged other people asking if they have any clue.  I have read everything I can think of and nothing.  Zip, Nada.

I am almost willing to install PatientOS and try that for my small hospital.  If anyone can go into the system and see for yourself that it is BLANK page on Practice screen and give me a hint of what to do I would REALLY APPRECIATE IT.



drbowen wrote on Tuesday, April 20, 2010:

Dear Ken,

A white screen generally means that the PHP is crashing before it can run the script.  On new installations, a lot of the time, there is not enough memory allowed per script in the php.ini file.

You may have to turn on debugging to see if there is any output before the crash.

What is your current operating system? and OS version?
PHP version?
MySQL version?

Sam Bowen, MD

tmccormi wrote on Tuesday, April 20, 2010:

Take a look at your apache or webserver logs, you may find a missing file, permission error or similar issue.

visolveemr wrote on Wednesday, April 21, 2010:

Hi Ken,

Turn on the PHP error reporting in your php.ini will provide you some indication of the problem.

error_reporting = E_ALL

Check your apache/web server  error log for any warning/fatal  messages.

Do share your PHP version and OS.

ViCarePlus Team

thompsk wrote on Thursday, April 22, 2010:

Thanks all for your help. 

I am working with my provider to ensure that this is fixed.    This is what I have from GigeNet.

Web server 1:

Dedicated - Intel Xeon Nehalem 5500 Series Special Bandwidth - 10TB
CPU Type:  1 x Xeon E5520
Ram:         3 x 2GB DDR3
HDD(s): 2 x 1TB SATAII
OS:                 CentOS 5 x64
Control Panel:  Plesk

Database Server 1:

Service Description:  Dedicated - Intel Xeon Nehalem 5500 Series Special Bandwidth - 6TB
CPU Type:  1 x Xeon E5504
OS: CentOS 5 x64
Ram:         3 x 2GB DDR3
HDD(s): 2 x 1TB SATAII

Control Panel:  Plesk


I will tell you how it worked out once the System Engineers implement the fixes.



thompsk wrote on Thursday, April 22, 2010:

OK I have been working with my ISP and they updated the php.ini settings.  It seemed to work and the system is running faster.  However when I go to the Practice link under Administration I now see this error:

Warning: require_once() : Unable to access /var/www/vhosts/georgedeweymedical.net/subdomains/emr/httpdocs/library/plugins…/…/translation.inc.php in /var/www/vhosts/georgedeweymedical.net/subdomains/emr/httpdocs/library/plugins/function.xl.php  on line 26

I have done everything I can do. Every file and the entire folder structure have 777 permissions and I have looked at every line of code but I can’t figure out whats going on. 

Any ideas?


visolveemr wrote on Thursday, April 22, 2010:

Hi Ken,

It looks like the path of ‘translation.inc.php’ file mentioned in 'library/plugins/function.xl.php’is wrong. Please perform the following changes in library/plugins/function.xl.php

In line # 26,

require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . ‘…/…/translation.inc.php’);
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . ‘…/translation.inc.php’);

Do let us know if this resolves your problem.

ViCarePlus Team