Weno eRx Transmittal Success or Failure?

I have set up eRx using Weno a few days ago.
Made (2) separate transmittals, both to large chain store pharmacy, both were shown as Transaction Successful. That tells me that the communication between my local system to remote Weno servers worked.

Correct me if I am wrong… but Weno is actually faxing all those prescription orders.

Here’s the problem: one pharmacy has received the fax, and the other one didn’t.
(There is a whole slew of possible reasons for that so there’s no need to go into that.)

Here’s the question: is there a mechanism that will return a message from Weno to the ordering doc IF the fax transmittal fails?

OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version 5.0.1

Right now we are in the process of building a failed transmission system. Right now, I can assure you that the Weno team watches every prescription that goes through and if a transmission fails. There is a person responsible to manually verify the pharmacy received the prescription.

You are right that if the prescription is successfully delivered to the Weno system, it is faxed to the pharmacy if they are a first time recipient of an order from Weno. The pharmacy then receives an invitation to join the network so faxes do not have to be used going forward.

This is a real-life David and Goliath fight with Surescripts that has had a stranglehold on the eRx market for years. So, it a fight to get pharmacies to come onboard but slowly they are coming.

(A chance to fill in a misconception)
There is no funding for this project. The project was started by a physician in TX who abandon the project in the early stages of development. I decided to keep going with no funding. I was promised funding for bringing this project to the market. The funding has not happened. But instead of letting the project die. I keep building when I can. It is now just a labor of love and compassion. Maybe one day it will but until then, I will bear the torch.

March we processed 481 prescriptions. The best month to date.

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