Weno 6.1.0 error

I just installed 6.1.0 on my Linux Ubuntu system.
I can not find a way to E-prescribe on the new release. I was using a WENO exchange and before ERx icon will appear at the Prescription section. Now there is no icon. WENO is turned on at the Admin/Globals/Connections. Admin/Other/Weno management is present and shows correct info. Any ideas?

hi @Vik , maybe @juggernautsei has some ideas on what’s going on.

Hi @Vik ,
when @robert.down redesigned the dashboard. I did not follow his work. He may have inadvertently left the button off or moved it somewhere else. But I really do not know.

Thank you so much for the replies!
I sent a message to @robert.down in regards of this issue. If any of you guys have an idea where the WENO button was programmed in the old version I would appreciate a tip. I love messing around with php :slight_smile:

Hi @Vik , just taking a quick look at the overhaul and noticed this removal.

what if you replace this block with

   if ($GLOBALS['erx_enable']) {
        $viewArgs['title'] = 'Prescription History';
        $viewArgs['btnLabel'] = 'Add/Edit eRx';
        $viewArgs['btnLink'] = "{$GLOBALS['webroot']}/interface/eRx.php?page=compose";
    } elseif ($GLOBALS['weno_rx_enable']) {
        $viewArgs['title'] = 'Prescription History';
        $viewArgs['btnLabel'] = 'Add/Edit eRx';
        $viewArgs['btnLink'] = "{$GLOBALS['webroot']}/interface/weno/indexrx.php";
    } else {
        $viewArgs['btnLink'] = "editScripts('{$GLOBALS['webroot']}/controller.php?prescription&list&id=" . attr_url($pid) . "')";
        $viewArgs['linkMethod'] = "javascript";
        $viewArgs['btnClass'] = "iframe rx_modal";

Now if I click on Add/Edit button it takes me to the WENO page. However this fix takes away the option to produce paper scripts. Not a big deal, but it would be interesting to find out how to overcome that.
Thank you so much for your help Stephen Waite!

I changed your fix so it works perfect for me now. I can print scripts or E prescribe drugs without problem!

 if ($GLOBALS['erx_enable']) {
        $viewArgs['title'] = 'Prescription History';
        $viewArgs['btnLabel'] = 'Add/Edit eRx';
        $viewArgs['btnLink'] = "{$GLOBALS['webroot']}/interface/eRx.php?page=compose";
    } elseif ($GLOBALS['weno_rx_enable']) {
        $viewArgs['title'] = 'Prescription History';
        $viewArgs['btnLabel'] = 'Add/Edit eRx';
        echo "<button onclick='getWeno()'>" . xlt('eRx') . "</button>";
        $viewArgs['btnLink'] = "{$GLOBALS['webroot']}/interface/weno/indexrx.php";

        $viewArgs['btnLink'] = "editScripts('{$GLOBALS['webroot']}/controller.php?prescription&list&id=" . attr_url($pid) . "')";
        $viewArgs['linkMethod'] = "javascript";
        $viewArgs['btnClass'] = "iframe rx_modal";

Thank you all so much for your help! I know that this solution is a hack but it works for me.

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