Weekly Conference Call

fsgl wrote on Sunday, April 06, 2014:

For the designation as a CMS test EHR, what do the feds want in return? No quid pro quo in FAQ.

bradymiller wrote on Friday, April 18, 2014:

Hi Everybody,

This is a reminder of the next conference call this Saturday at 11:00 am PST. More details on the call (ie. number to call etc.) can be found here:

Agenda is wide open. MU2, MU2, MU2…


tmccormi wrote on Saturday, April 19, 2014:

I updated the funding barometer. We’ve had a little run of donations adding $1300 to the coffers in the last week.


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, April 19, 2014:


For the 4/19/14 conference call (note these are not official notes; just going from memory):

Attendees: Brady, Jack, Jan, Lou, Robert, Rod

Jan discussed the Demographics MU2 item, which he is currently developing:

Rod discussed the Patient-specific education resources MU2 item, which he is currently analyzing. Plan to contact Tony regarding obtaining funding from OEMR for this item:

Brady discussed the Care Coordination module by ZH(will cover lots of MU2 items), which is currently under review.

Jan and Brady discussed enhancements to the CDR (Clinical Decision Rules) engine, specifically several projects described here:
Spent time describing the current CDR engine, which allows turning on/off a rule for patient, but does not allow patient specific rules. For example, there is currently a rule that ensure a INR level is checked monthly if a patient is on coumadin. If I want to remove this rule for a specific patient, this is currently supported in OpenEMR. However, if I want to customize the rule (for example, check the INR every 2 months rather than 1 month) for a patient, this is not currently supported. This is what is meant by supporting patient specific rules.

Robert discussed the ongoing UI enhancement project which incorporate the Foundation Framework. This stuff is much more modern looking than OpenEMR’s current look and feel and you can be check it out on the following demo:
The main issue is that it will require modification to a majority of the OpenEMR scripts, which is why many of the pages in the demo are awkward appearing. Plan to treat this as a code walk-though and only include the new styling in pages that have been converted. Robert plans to build this mechanism and convert some of the main pages and then submit it for review. If things look good at that point and the community agrees, could then bring it into the official codebase and Robert could then slowly and steadily do the code walk through.

Until next week…


bradymiller wrote on Friday, May 02, 2014:

Hi Everybody,

This is a reminder of the next conference call this Saturday at 11:00 am PST. More details on the call (ie. number to call etc.) can be found here:

Agenda is wide open. MU2, MU2, MU2…


bradymiller wrote on Friday, May 09, 2014:

Hi Everybody,

This is a reminder of the next conference call this Saturday at 11:00 am PST. More details on the call (ie. number to call etc.) can be found here:

Agenda is wide open. MU2, MU2, MU2…


bradymiller wrote on Sunday, May 11, 2014:


For the 5/3/14 conference call (note these are not official notes; just going from memory):

Attendees: Brady, David, Jack, Jan, JR, Lou, Louis, Stephen

Lou discussed importance of quality measures.

David discussed the faxing module in OpenEMR and with plans to analyze the current code/features.

Brady discussed the Care Coordination module by ZH Healthcare (will cover lots of MU2 items), which is currently undergoing revision by ZH Healthcare.

JR and Brady discussed sql-injection.

Jan discussed the Demographics MU2 item, which he is currently developing and is ready for review:

Until next week…


bradymiller wrote on Sunday, May 11, 2014:


For the 5/10/14 conference call (note these are not official notes; just going from memory):

Attendees: Brady, David, Jan, Jit, Lou, Roberto

Brady discussed the Demographics MU2 item that Jan is working on, which is very close to completion:

Roberto discussed the project that he is working on to improve the sql upgrade script(automating the version upgrading from rather than having the user enter it in manually). Brady discussed several issues related to supporting “legacy” upgrades and also correctly identifying version when it is a “dev” version. Plan to place a post on the pertinent sourceforge thread for further guidance from the community.

Brady discussed that recently there are more developers (including volunteer and professional) showing interest in the project and that there are not many easy projects (ie. hello world openemr projects) for new developers. Resources (ie. my time) to guide these new developers are also running low (this involves providing direction and reviewing code). David suggested placing more projects on the Active Projects page (http://www.open-emr.org/wiki/index.php/Active_Projects). Jan also suggested newer developers working with each other on projects; for example, Roberto working with Jan and colleagues on their CDR project (http://www.open-emr.org/wiki/index.php/Active_Projects#Integrate_Plans_into_the_Admin_GUI). Both are excellent ideas which plan to implement.

Until next week…


blankev wrote on Sunday, May 11, 2014:

There is a long list of Country names in every OpenEMR version. But in the list of Country (Demographics) there is an option only of “Other” and “USA”.

Somewhere in the development this list that seems to be complete is not used for Country name. A loss for Internationalization.

But at is it is easy to add your own favorite Country names. (But it could be a matter of Copy Paste in the sql upgrade.)

bradymiller wrote on Friday, May 16, 2014:

Hi Everybody,

This is a reminder of the next conference call this Saturday at 11:00 am PST. More details on the call (ie. number to call etc.) can be found here:

Agenda is wide open. MU2, MU2, MU2…

btw, I will likely not make this call (driving through areas with questionable cell coverage).


bradymiller wrote on Friday, May 30, 2014:

Hi Everybody,

This is a reminder of the next conference call this Saturday at 11:00 am PST. More details on the call (ie. number to call etc.) can be found here:

Agenda is wide open. MU2, MU2, MU2…


bradymiller wrote on Sunday, June 01, 2014:


For the 5/31/14 conference call (note these are not official notes; just going from memory):

Attendees: Brady, Jan, Robert

Jan discussed the CDR engine work he is currently working on to add ability to add rules into plans via the Administration->Rules gui:

Robert discussed the ongoing work on the GUI modernization with plan to submit code for review soon. Most recent screenshots can be found here (it’s looking very nice!):

Robert discussed the ongoing work on updating the open-emr.org website. Most recent screenshots can be found here(it’s looking very nice!):

Until next week…


bradymiller wrote on Friday, June 06, 2014:

Hi Everybody,

This is a reminder of the next conference call this Saturday at 11:00 am PST. More details on the call (ie. number to call etc.) can be found here:

Agenda is wide open. Regarding MU2, ZH Healthcare recently submitted second revision of Care Coordination Module (covers many MU2 items), which is currently under review.


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, June 28, 2014:

Hi Everybody,

This is a reminder of the next conference call this Saturday (ie. tomorrow) at 11:00 am PST. More details on the call (ie. number to call etc.) can be found here:

Agenda is wide open.


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, July 12, 2014:

Hi Everybody,

This is a reminder of the next conference call this Saturday (ie. tomorrow) at 11:00 am PST. More details on the call (ie. number to call etc.) can be found here:

Agenda is wide open.


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, August 09, 2014:

Hi Everybody,

This is a reminder of the next conference call this Saturday (ie. tomorrow) at 11:00 am PST. More details on the call (ie. number to call etc.) can be found here:

Agenda is wide open.


jcahn2 wrote on Sunday, August 10, 2014:

Today’s attendies:
Jan, Jack, Lou, Robert, Julie.
No information on MU2 implementation dates delays.
Short call.

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, August 23, 2014:

Hi Everybody,

This is a reminder of the next conference call this Saturday (ie. tomorrow) at 11:00 am PST. More details on the call (ie. number to call etc.) can be found here:

Agenda is wide open. (The MU2 deadline is looming)


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, September 06, 2014:

Hi Everybody,

This is a reminder of the next conference call this Saturday (ie. tomorrow) at 11:00 am PST. More details on the call (ie. number to call etc.) can be found here:

Agenda is wide open.


bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, September 10, 2014:


For the 9/6/14 conference call (note these are not official notes; just going from memory):

Attendees: Brady, David, Jan, John, Julie

Brady discussed the ongoing MU2 testing. Unofficially (from emails from Tony), it appears that OpenEMR has passed 15 of total 45 items (note that the code for some of these items is still under code review). There are 7 more items that would pass, but didn’t get to testing (will be done at next testing date). This does not include items within ZH’s Care Coordination module, which will likely start getting tested at the next testing date. Many thanks to Tony and Ensoftek for their work on this.

Brady reported the Demographics MU2 item that Jan has been working on is completed and has been committed to the official codebase.

Jan discussed the Clinical Decision Rules engine project, which is adding plans creation/selection in the gui. It is currently undergoing revision after 1st review.

Julie discussed about EMR Direct and its successful progress in obtaining certification for a critical trust bundle:

We (mostly Brady and David) discussed the medications and prescriptions in OpenEMR. It has come up that the Medication recording in OpenEMR is not very good and that having an RXNORM database integration with this stuff would be very beneficial. It was felt that it may be best to first integrate prescription module fully with RXNORM and then incorporate this into the Medication module(either by migrating medication issues to prescription table or by adding required data elements to the issues table). After Jan and colleagues complete their CDR project, they may consider taking this on:

Until next week…
