Webservices, DICOM and DICOMSR support

Awesome, can’t wait to try it out!




@gutiersa @pcgarell
Here’s my latest effort and last, I hope. Hopefully I’ve not forgotten any files. Let me know.

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After the update, I am getting an error with my fee sheet, check out the right bottom part:

Do I have to update the database or something?


This is a new feature for 502 and v6 of adding a supervisor for users in Users. Ya need to run sql_patch.php just like a normal patch to get new columns into tables.

It was working before, however, I will patch it then
Ok, the patch fixed it, hmm funny, I had it already and it was working, what did the prepatch do to the database that I needed to rerun it?
But you were right, running the sql_patch.php fixed the problem

Now this is my error:

2020/07/29 16:33:14 [error] 9273#100685: *151017 FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function js_escape() in /usr/local/www/openemr/portal/sign/lib/show-signature.php:34
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
thrown in /usr/local/www/openemr/portal/sign/lib/show-signature.php on line 34” while reading response header from upstream, client: xx.xx.xx.xxx, server: mydomain.com, request: “POST /portal/sign/lib/show-signature.php HTTP/2.0”, upstream: “fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php-fpm.sock:”, host: “mydomain.com
2020/07/29 16:33:15 [error] 9273#100685: *151017 FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function js_escape() in /usr/local/www/openemr/portal/sign/lib/show-signature.php:34
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
thrown in /usr/local/www/openemr/portal/sign/lib/show-signature.php on line 34” while reading response header from upstream, client: xx.xx.xx.xxx, server: mydomain.com, request: “POST /portal/sign/lib/show-signature.php HTTP/2.0”, upstream: “fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php-fpm.sock:”, host: “mydomain.com

You’re a magician! I was able to point the Zip Directory chooser to a folder of unzipped files for a single acquisition sequence/series and it automatically zipped them together and saved them in the directory tree. I was then able to open the zipped files and scroll through all the images with pertinent patient info displayed as well. Works nicely!

I compared the display from the commercial viewer I originally received with the MRI study, and what is displayed on OEMR and there may be a few study details missing on the OEMR version (such as TE and TR times), but these are not critical for most cases. I’ll continue to explore the functions and features, but the main objective has been met and it seems ready to send out in the next patch.


Very good news @pcgarell! The missing meta may be because they are not included in the parsing dictionary, this i’ll check.

This library still has many other features that need to be implemented(check and use the DICOMDIR file, side by side compares and/or thumbnails. etc…) . Though it would have been simpler to just add the tags to original implementation, I wanted to do this library the justice it deserves where now we have the base to move on to PACS for those that have a need for a heavier PACS implementation.

Thanks for testing.

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I have some plans for the future. My neck of the woods is in heavy need!

If you happen to be able to contribute images to the library I would appreciate it.
I don’t have any imaging to upload hence I cannot generate them myself yet.
Groovy, thanks

Here is a study with several series you can play with. You can also get various test studys off internet.

what if after uploading a document, I would like it deleted? How do I accomplish that?
As it is, I have to go and manually delete everything such that I don’t re upload it later on.

I don’t understand. What file? Templates are deleted from dashboard. Dicoms from documents. The study zip I sent needs to be unzipped on your local somewhere

Mine did not work, what are the riquirement?


I apologize, I am mixing topics. So I scan the patients documents and I place them in a temporary folder. For now I use the windows downloads. Then I go to the patient’s chart and I upload it to the patient’s documents section of the chart. However, the document I just uploaded, does not get deleted from the downloads directory. Is it supposed to get deleted? If so, it is not working for me that way, and I am not getting an error message.

got it, it works beautifully. I bet we could even attach parts of these into our reports.

As I said. That zip is a directory structure of several series. You can’t upload all into documents because it doesn’t make sense. Unzip on your local where you can select a folder from documents to upload.

Even better use the stand alone to play with viewer and not worry about document clutter ie

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So normally when a patient walks into the office with a CD-ROM in their hands, what would it look like in the CD?
I am just trying to figure our how to write the instructions in the wiki
I mean, normally that would not be a zipped drive would it?


Typically a DICOM CD consists of a DICOM folder and viewer folder. The DICOM folder consists of a series of different images of a particular study. The viewer is normally a PACS systems where the DICOM images can be viewed by the help of the viewer. In addtion to that, it consists of a README file that consists of the minimum system requirements for the viewer set up .

Hope it may help you.



Thanks, it does

@sjpadgett @brady.miller
I have added an Imaging directory to my documents directory, however, this should become part of the OpenEMR base, No? So this would be a feature request? Where should I post it? Is here enough?

Yes, I can contribute some anonymous data sets. How do you recommend I get them to you?



