`Vitals` not work on OpenEMR 7.0.2

Hello there,

I am trying to try OpenEMR platform for patient management. This version is 7.0.2.

I can not write some Vital parameters about a patient when create a new patient. So, The patient’s dashboard does not show any vital signs. And I don’t see a place to write down these vital signs for the patient (not including the “pen” icon for adjustments).

Please show me where to add this information. Thank you!

hi birdy,
it looks as though one can record vitals via an encounter. select an encounter for a patient, or record a new encounter and save it, then use the ‘clinical’ drop down menu, scroll to the bottom to find the ‘vitals’ form - and fill it in. one can come back to this form to edit the values.

if you can’t see any of these options or menus let me know and i can guide you through the process in more detail


Thank you, ruth moulton.

I created a new encounter and saw Vitals form.

I fixed this problem, thanks again!

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a pleasure, glad i could help.

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