Vitals history input in OEMR

blankev wrote on Thursday, August 25, 2011:

Is there an option to enter a list of old vitals in OEMR? Wanted add a list of old numers on weight and length, but it seems to me i can not change the date. Always show the today date….

Tnx for any help…


bradymiller wrote on Thursday, September 08, 2011:

This would be a useful feature(and would be rather easy to add). Recommend placing this as a Feature Request in the tracker.

hrolfsmeyer wrote on Friday, January 13, 2012:

Have recently updated to 4.1 from 3.2, how would we go about placing this as a feature request, we are a free clinic and most data is entered by volunteers at a later date.

bradymiller wrote on Sunday, January 15, 2012:

This feature is under development and guessing will be ready very soon: