Vitals Date Range Adjustment

juggernautsei wrote on Monday, November 28, 2011:


we would like to know if there is a way to change the date range of the vitals to include the current date. As of now it shows a date range that is only 4 months from Feb - March and it is November now. How do we get the data range to show from the current month back 6 months?

Thank you,


bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, November 30, 2011:


Can you clarify this further. Are you talking about the patient summary screen vitals widget, the vitals form, or the patient report?


juggernautsei wrote on Wednesday, November 30, 2011:


Yes that is what I am refering to in the message. The widget just comes up but I have not found any way to control the date range that is being displayed in the graph. Do such controls exist or how can I go in and change the date range to be closer to the current data back? Is the date range based on a regulation?



bradymiller wrote on Friday, December 02, 2011:


I can’t confirm this on the online 4.1 demo:

Note on the demo it shows all the datapoints no matter what the date is. Unclear why yours is stuck at a date range. Suggest playing with the demo to recreate your situation. Also, there is no feature to control the date range (this could be added by somebody, though).


juggernautsei wrote on Sunday, December 18, 2011:

I am embarrised to report that my does show dates but the last date on the scale is the last date the vitals were taken. If the patient did not have vitals done on the day the nurse is doing the patients chart, then it won’t show the currernt date. is a screen shot of what I see and I can’t say why mine has dates.

