Hello All,
Looking to develop a “password protected” Video Telehealth and Text Chat using Web RTC Amazon Kinesis. I’ve had a developer create a system on Wordpress but want to start using openEMR using Kinesis, so I am familiar with the process.
Thanks for your time.
It’d be great and i’d be interested in seeing a proposed integration plan.
Would a local host server be required to manage streaming or offloaded to AWS? etc.
This should not be tightly integrated with OpenEMR but instead, be a module.
Agreed, should be a module.
Streaming would be offloaded to AWS
Looking forward to a Pull Request. openemr/CONTRIBUTING.md at master · openemr/openemr · GitHub
You could also open a feature issue thread for side talk about project and opinions on integration. Issues · openemr/openemr · GitHub
Good luck and I will follow closely in case you need any integration help.
It looks like this thread is a little stale, but I’m happy to announce the availability of a pilot that provides this: Project - Integrate Telehealth