Using OpenEMR in Sri Lanka

kmendis56 wrote on Tuesday, March 17, 2015:


I am a family physician currently in Sri Lanka.My secondary speciality is medical informatics.
The past 10 years I worked in in Australia with very professional/commercial EMRs that is available to any doctor at a very reasonable price. in Sri Lanka there are no such EMRs. Cannot use a AUZ EMR because of legal problems.

I want to use a EMR in my practice and OpenEMR is the first choice.

I hope I can ask a few basic question?

  1. Will there be any legal problems in using OpenEMR outside the US?

  2. One of my top priorities in EMR is the ability to write a electronic script. I would like to have at least generic medication names (Brand names would be a bonus).
    Is there a medical list or script writing system that can be obtained free or for a payment that I can use with OpenEMR?

  3. Similarly I would like to use ICPC-2 codes with the diagnosis - is this possible?

Thank you in advance

Kumara Mendis

lasan13 wrote on Tuesday, March 17, 2015:

Hi Kumara
Nice to see another sri lankan in the forum. Right now I also trying to customizing the openEMR for my practice in Sri lanka
1.There won’t be any issue in using openEMR outside USA as its can come with " GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE"
2. you can create script using CAMOS module
3.openEMR is designed to support ICPC-2 but im not sure whether its fully functioning

If you need more information please let me know

blankev wrote on Tuesday, March 17, 2015:

ICPC-2 as well as ICPC-1 are not implemented in the Production versions and not in the Demo.

Would love to hear some suggestions on how to get these implemented. For General Practice is is a far better tool to code, compared to ICD which is far better for Hospital setting.

But ICPC is not very popular in the US.

There are some WIKI pages dedicated to ICPC implementation but it is still in a preliminary phase.

Let’s work on suggestions on how to implement. There is a site in Norway that gives us the free tables of all Code of ICPC1 and ICPC2 if we are in luck, there might be a Developer interested to implement the logic of the ICPC.

blankev wrote on Tuesday, March 17, 2015:

  1. NO if you stick to all advises hidden in the Software. Everything is Open Source and should be FREE as FREE can be.

  2. YES, try to find this information in the WIKI pages or in the Forum. There are many free lists of Generics and also Generic- AND Brand- names for FREE.

  3. YES, ICPC is coded in Chapters => Chapters are divided in blocks of about thirty items => Complaints, Administrative, Diagnoses… and some in between. Most items have an inclusion and an exclusion comment.

There are also tables with comparison between ICD and ICPC coding tables

Please explore the option to implement ICDC in a way similar to including the ICD9 or ICD10 codes.

kmendis56 wrote on Tuesday, March 17, 2015:

Hi Mudhitha

Thanks for the quick answers. I knew that there should be no issues with a GNU license.

  1. In fact we started an initiative of an EMR for Sri Lanka in 2010 using OpenEMR with a few friends of the College of GP but the enthusiasm did not last long. I will try to find the website that we worked.

  2. Just had a quick look to see what is CAMOS - its a form of entering lists/codes? that means we have to enter our own lists of e.g. generic and brand? I was referring to lists/applications such as ALLSCRIPS. Think these are for US doctors as they ask for registrations etc…

  3. Good to hear that OpenEMR supports ICPC-2? It supports the essentials of GP work and also give you room to insert rubrics at level 3

Thanks again and will ask you some questions for sure…


blankev wrote on Tuesday, March 17, 2015:

OpenEMR is a huge program, great in different options and scalable to ones liking.

CAMOS is for the lazy typing Users. All pre-typed only Click to select. (Only after the first input is correct and complete)

Please read the latest manual V 4.2 (You can do it in Half an hour, since you know what EMR is.)

Than go to the WIKI pages for your special interests.

Next search the Forum for additional interests if needed. No need to invent new things if duplication of logic for your purposes, in changed form, will have the same impact.

kmendis56 wrote on Tuesday, March 17, 2015:


  1. OK I will try to find a generic.
    Maybe I should try some of the list from Sri Lankan universities.
    At least some pharmacology dpts maintain these lists nad its important to have the generic + brand(country specific)

  2. I have been in the WONCA classification committee from 1998. However there has been issues with licensing with the use of ICPC.
    The page should give all latest information about icpc-2e and also re maps with ICD-10


kmendis56 wrote on Tuesday, March 17, 2015:

Yes I agree - US government backed the Snomed. There is a very active group of family physicians that argued for ICPC and I am sure that there is a map of Snomed - ICPC
ICPC initially was a European/US innovation between two family physicians and soon Europe took over especially the Dutch.
I will get the information for the developers as I am now out of the coding/programming phase of my life :slight_smile:

banaitv wrote on Tuesday, March 17, 2015:

Another option is to use GNUmed. There is a large inbuilt database for Indian drug brands. Just check

Vaibhav Banait

-----Original Message-----
From: “Kumara Mendis”
Sent: ‎17-‎03-‎2015 13:25
To: "[openemr:discussion] "
Subject: [openemr:discussion] Using OpenEMR in Sri Lanka

I am a family physician currently in Sri Lanka.My secondary speciality is medical informatics.
The past 10 years I worked in in Australia with very professional/commercial EMRs that is available to any doctor at a very reasonable price. in Sri Lanka there are no such EMRs. Cannot use a AUZ EMR because of legal problems.
I want to use a EMR in my practice and OpenEMR is the first choice.
I hope I can ask a few basic question?

  1. Will there be any legal problems in using OpenEMR outside the US?
  2. One of my top priorities in EMR is the ability to write a electronic script. I would like to have at least generic medication names (Brand names would be a bonus).
    Is there a medical list or script writing system that can be obtained free or for a payment that I can use with OpenEMR?
  3. Similarly I would like to use ICPC-2 codes with the diagnosis - is this possible?
    Thank you in advance
    Kumara Mendis

Using OpenEMR in Sri Lanka

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banaitv wrote on Tuesday, March 17, 2015:

The only problem that I noticed is that the reports that are generated are poorly formatted for printing and results in a poor show.
Hopefully someone will have a look at it.

-----Original Message-----
From: “Pieter W”
Sent: ‎17-‎03-‎2015 15:04
To: "[openemr:discussion] "
Subject: [openemr:discussion] Re: Using OpenEMR in Sri Lanka

NO if you stick to all advises hidden in the Software. Everything is Open Source and should be FREE as FREE can be.
YES, try to find this information in the WIKI pages or in the Forum. There are many free lists of Generics and also Generic- AND Brand- names for FREE.
YES, ICPC is coded in Chapters => Chapters are divided in blocks of about thirty items => Complaints, Administrative, Diagnoses… and some in between. Most items have an inclusion and an exclusion comment.
There are also tables with comparison between ICD and ICPC coding tables
Please explore the option to implement ICDC in a way similar to including the ICD9 or ICD10 codes.

Using OpenEMR in Sri Lanka

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fsgl wrote on Tuesday, March 17, 2015:

With OpenEMR being open source & your programming abilities, it should be a good fit. Code customization is difficult, if not impossible, with proprietary software. The opposite is true for OpenEMR. There exists the temptation of excessive customization to the point of crashing it.

There are many possibilities to document the clinical note. Under the Forms heading of the Supplementary webpage are Contributed forms which are pre-configured & Layout Based Visit Forms, which you can build yourself.

Prescribing medications/medical items can be easily handled through the CAMOS module or the Prescription module in the Patient Summary. If your clinic does not have its own in-house pharmacy, this poses a transmission problem. Have a look under the heading, Prescription, for some ideas. Allscripts works well for U.S. based practices, but if there is no equivalent locally; this can be a challenge.

The ICPC section of Code Types is skimpy, but there is enough information to get started.

The various Demo’s offer excellent simulations. I would suggest that you also install either the Windows or the Ubuntu/Debian Package from here for testing because you will have access to the code base with either installation. This would be lacking using only the Demo’s.

kmendis56 wrote on Wednesday, March 18, 2015:

Hi Vaibhav

This makes sense as SL imports a lot of medications from India - some of the names like Ranbaxy are very familiar.
I wonder will there be a generic-brand list from pharmaceutical related companies?
There should be some form of list/s that supply the Indian medical software companies?
Is there a possibility of getting information as to where the GNUMed list comes from?

banaitv wrote on Wednesday, March 18, 2015:

We for GNUmed had created a package with roughly 50000 brands available in India. It is available on GNUmed site. Unfortunately I lost the source file when my hard drive crashed. You may prefer to contact them. If your medical system is same as ours, you need to provide well formatted printed reports and medication sheet. GNUmed is better with it, but installation takes some understanding of the procedure. If you have managed to get good printable reports with open emr, kindly provide me with the template. I will be obliged

Vaibhav Banait

-----Original Message-----
From: “Kumara Mendis”
Sent: ‎18-‎03-‎2015 07:38
To: "[openemr:discussion] "
Subject: [openemr:discussion] Re: Using OpenEMR in Sri Lanka

Hi Vaibhav
This makes sense as SL imports a lot of medications from India - some of the names like Ranbaxy are very familiar.
I wonder will there be a generic-brand list from pharmaceutical related companies?
There should be some form of list/s that supply the Indian medical software companies?
Is there a possibility of getting information as to where the GNUMed list comes from?

Using OpenEMR in Sri Lanka

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arnabnaha wrote on Wednesday, March 18, 2015:

Please do share the templates for the reports if you develop it here. It would be a welcome change for openemr.

kmendis56 wrote on Monday, March 23, 2015:

I have sent an email to the GNUmed lis and hope they will reply positively.
Will inform the list if they do so and make available the list

kmendis56 wrote on Tuesday, March 31, 2015:

Hello I have up an implementation of ICPC with some screen shots
Please have a look

blankev wrote on Wednesday, April 01, 2015:

Where can your efforts be found? Please some more specifics.

kmendis56 wrote on Saturday, April 04, 2015:
Under - ICPC, comparing the ICD9 or ICD10 codes, where is the logic taking us

kmendis56 wrote on Saturday, April 04, 2015:

Hi Muditha
I have included ICPC in OpenEMR - see the thread under ICD9 codes

Trying to get a brand name /generic list of SL drugs
The Colombo Med Faculty Pharmacology Dpt was producing a list but for the last 3-4 years they have not done this.

Are you using the OpenEMR in your practice in SL?

This is a fantastic product (compared to what it was in 2008-9 when I first used this…). Hope we can develop a core SL-EMR and make it available to any SL doctor



I have been trying to identify the issues in implementing a EMR system in Sri Lanka.

I have come across a point that, if the solution is readily accessible via a iPad alike device it is possible to make it more feasible.

There was a study which says, Primary care doctors spend almost twice the time they diagnose the patients for the EMR systems.

Can any of you let me know any public implementation of any kind of EMR / EHR / CPR systems in Sri Lanka?

I am trying to model a 100% safe and secure system. There will be no compromises in security of the data in system. It will rely with the patient.

Best Regards,

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