kmendis56 wrote on Tuesday, March 17, 2015:
I am a family physician currently in Sri Lanka.My secondary speciality is medical informatics.
The past 10 years I worked in in Australia with very professional/commercial EMRs that is available to any doctor at a very reasonable price. in Sri Lanka there are no such EMRs. Cannot use a AUZ EMR because of legal problems.
I want to use a EMR in my practice and OpenEMR is the first choice.
I hope I can ask a few basic question?
Will there be any legal problems in using OpenEMR outside the US?
One of my top priorities in EMR is the ability to write a electronic script. I would like to have at least generic medication names (Brand names would be a bonus).
Is there a medical list or script writing system that can be obtained free or for a payment that I can use with OpenEMR? -
Similarly I would like to use ICPC-2 codes with the diagnosis - is this possible?
Thank you in advance
Kumara Mendis