User Settings In GUI (solved)

I’m running oemr 7. We recently upgraded from version 5

The users that were created when we were on version 5 have some user setting in the database that users who were created in version 7 don’t.

Specifically, I was trying to automatically have some of the sections in the medical record dashboard expand as the default behavior. I couldn’t find a setting in the GUI to make that happen.

So I looked in the database in table ‘user_settings’ and i found settings like ‘pnotes_ps_expand’, ‘demographics_ps_expand’ in the settings for version 5 users. I’m able to add those setting by modifying the database table and have the version 7 users set up correctly.

My question is, is there a way to change these settings in the GUI? I’d prefer not to have to modify the database table every time we add a new user.

Thanks, in advanced for any help.

hi @bearzillasquatch , that’s a bug in v7 but is fixed in the dev branch so will be fixed in the next release.

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Gotha. Thanks for the info @stephenwaite