User admin and address book

sraj49 wrote on Thursday, September 24, 2009:

When we create a new user all the details are automatically ported to the address data base. In the address book the user name with all details except the address are available and only address  has to be added in the address book. Has anyone provided the address fields  in the User Admin ( like fields for Taxonomy, UPIN etc.) so that we need not open the address book again find the user and add only the address fields…

When I look at the users table it contains a lot of data which are not displayed in the front end Admin/user page. Has someone created the fields in the front end. Which files have to be modified to display all the details in the front end.

Help would be appreciated….thanks

sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, September 24, 2009:

The user admin page and the address book are actually just two different views of the same table (users).  The first is oriented towards login, scheduling and billing.  The second is, as the name suggests, an address book, and is especially important for referencing external referring doctors.

You don’t really need address fields for local users.  But I can see that it may be nice to have them in the Users page, or perhaps to allow local users to be entered via the Address Book.  Either way, a small matter of programming.  :slight_smile:


sraj49 wrote on Thursday, September 24, 2009:


Good mornig and thanks for your kind response as usual. I agree iwth you . It will nice to have them becuase once you create a user, at that point you can also fill in the address so that that data also will be ported to the address book like UPIN etc. Can you please advice me what are the files to be looked in to.

Also I had raised a query about integrating Dragom Medical as well as DICOM with openEMR. Has omeone doe it? Is there a stepby step approachutlined for that.