Copy the openemr/sites/default/sqlconf.php file from your old 5.0.2 version into the new openemr version
In the openemr/sites/default/sqlconf.php file, set the $config variable (found near bottom of file within bunch of slashes) to 1 ($config = 1;)
Open openemr/sql_upgrade.php (http://localhost/openemr/sql_upgrade.php) in web browser, choose 5.0.2 and click ‘Upgrade Database’
**Should I change the config file to point to the most current database? I have a backup **
Configure optional settings in openemr/sites/default/config.php files
Download and install most recent patch
After finishing this upgrade to OpenEMR version 6.0.0, it is recommended that you check if there are any patches to apply. If so, install the most recent patch for version 6.0.0. Instruction to do this can be found on the OpenEMR Patches page.
So I put the new files in a new directory, Then copy over the documents and the sqlconfig from olddirectory/site/default to newdirectory/site/default.
Then go to newdirectory/sql_upgrade.php
So basically the entire site is new except the docs and config file?
Does the database referenced in the config file get updated also?
To test this can I update a new directory on the same server?
Tammy when you copied the old sites directory over to new v6 directory, config is pointing to your old production DB. So running upgrade upgraded you production(or test DB).
When you rename new v6 directory back to openemr or whatever your domain points to then you’re done and live.
Rename production directory first.
I am sorry but I want to make sure I am getting the process.
I only have one server and 2 directories under public_html so I don’t want to mess anything up.
Right now it doesn’t matter. Where ever you copy sites/default/sqlconf.php from old dir, it points to your current DB. So if you ran sql upgrade after copying sites/default/sqlconf.php then your DB is upgraded.
You should be live if new is in openemr dir along with new v6 code.
Too be honest, I don’t know where you are…