Upgrade from v6.0.0(3) to v7.0.0 - Inactive Facilities select issue

After upgrade to new V7.0.0. I found another issue between previous versions and new version.
In all other versions of OpenEMR, if in Edit Facility section remove all selections, unused facility become inactive, and its not appears in Calendar view. In v7.0.0. this function is not working and inactive facility still appears on calendar.

v7.0.0. Facility NYC MED, no any functions selected, this facility suppose to be inactive

Inactive Facility still appear on calendar.

v6.0.0(3) new Facility created NYC MED, selected us service location

Selected Facility appear on Calendar

Facility selection removed, and facility moved to inactive

Inactive Facility not appear on Calendar

I used OpenEmr demos v5.0.1 (7) and v7.0.0. to show an examples.

I believe I am seeing this same issue, I created an extra facility at the beginning while testing things out and I have been unsuccessful in my attempts to remove it from the calendar. I am paranoid about messing with the tables directly with phpmyadmin, would love if the facility would simply disappear from the calendar since its inactive. Has anyone else seen a similar situation before?

hi @Goddard , although you can mark the facility inactive in the facility admin page the logic hasn’t been added to the calendar and other places in the codebase to have that trigger; sql is the only option for now

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