Updating from openEmr2.7.3 to openEmr-latest

okhra wrote on Monday, July 19, 2010:

I have a pediatric office on 2.7.3. Due to various fears (if it’s ain’t broke, don’t fix it philosophy) we still are stuck at 2.7.3. I am looking for some adult advice, hints etc.  especially at the version jump when freeb was discontinued. Is this doable ?

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, July 20, 2010:

Should be doable. I’ve only been around since 2.8.1, but am guessing using the sql upgrade script will work. Most important thing is to make a test system (ie. copy your database and openemr directory and test out upgrading on this). The biggest jump will be breaking 3.0 (this is where internalize billing and the access controls are done). See this instruction set to get an idea of the steps that will be needed: