"Unknown column" error after 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 dual upgrade

I successfully (I thought) accomplished a dual upgrade of OpenEMR 5.0.0 (8) to 5.0.1 (3) with upgrade of xampp and PHP to the latest supported versions per the instructions at: https://www.open-emr.org/wiki/index.php/Dual_Upgrade_of_OpenEMR_and_XAMPP_in_Windows

OpenEMR Version
5.0.0 (8) to 5.0.1 (3) with simultaneous Xampp upgrade

I’m using: Firefox x64 V 61.0.1

Operating System
I’m using: Windows 7 Ultimate x64

I saw no errors during the 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 upgrade or the 5.0.1 (0) to 5.0.1 (3) patch processes.

I can see my patient list and the calendar, but when I attempt to edit or add a new patient, I get the error:

Query Error

ERROR: query failed: SELECT * FROM layout_options WHERE form_id = ‘DEM’ AND uor > 0 ORDER BY group_id, seq

Error: Unknown column ‘group_id’ in ‘order clause’

O:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\interface\patient_file\summary\demographics_full.php at 63:sqlStatement

I reverted to the 5.0.0 (8) to keep things running today, but I’d really like to get the latest version working.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

hi @Wizard353, please see this Upgrade 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 and getting Unknown column 'group_id' in 'field list'

I am not a MySQL guru, but from what I can gather from the discussion that you pointed to, am I correct that I should execute the following line in PHPMYADMIN, or do I need to edit the sql-upgrade.php file and insert the line?

ALTER TABLE layout_options ADD COLUMN group_id VARCHAR(31) NOT NULL default ‘’ AFTER group_name;

David D. Speck MD

I looked at the series of posts that you pointed to, but it is not clear as to the best way to handle the error, or how the fix is actually applied. Neither proposed solution was clearly indicated to be the best one.

I tried to do the dual Xampp/OpenEMR 5.0.1 upgrade again last night using the most recent available downloaded ZIP file for the installation, but get the same “Unknown Column” error. It appears that the problem is not yet fixed in the current combined Xampp/OpenEMR 5.0.1 distribution package. The current 5.0.1 package no longer has the PHPMyAdmin feature that I was somewhat comfortable with, so I’m lost as to the best way to apply the fix.

What is the best way to apply the patch? I’m working on Windows 7 x64.

1] Should I start over with a clean Xampp/OpenEMR 5.0.1 installation and edit the 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 PHP upgrade file before executing it, or

2] is there a simple way to execute the missing line of code with the MySQL console via \xampp\mysql\bin\mysql on the installation that I have already completed? What would the exact syntax be? I’m in unfamiliar waters here.

I wonder if I posted the original query in the wrong forum, as I haven’t received a lot of help on this problem since I posted it. Thanks.

hi @Wizard353, can you upload the upgrade log?

Stephen, Thanks for the offer os assistance. I have inserted the output of the upgrade process as printed on the browser page.

OpenEMR Database Upgrade
Processing 5_0_0-to-5_0_1_upgrade.sql …
ALTER TABLE list_options ADD edit_options TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘1’
Skipping section #IfNotTable multiple_db
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id, title, seq, notes, activity) VALUES (‘page_validation’, ‘therapy_groups_add#addGroup’, ‘/interface/therapy_groups
/index.php?method=addGroup’, 120, ‘{group_name:{presence: true}}’, 1)
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id, title, seq, notes, activity) VALUES (‘page_validation’, ‘therapy_groups_edit#editGroup’, ‘/interface/therapy_groups
/index.php?method=groupDetails’, 125, ‘{group_name:{presence: true}}’, 1)
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id, title, seq, notes, activity) VALUES (‘page_validation’, ‘tg_add#add-participant-form’, ‘/interface/therapy_groups
/index.php?method=groupParticipants’, 130, ‘{participant_name:{presence: true}, group_patient_start:{presence: true}}’, 1)
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id,option_id,title,seq,is_default,option_value,mapping,notes,codes,toggle_setting_1,toggle_setting_2,activity,subtype)VALUES
(‘page_validation’,‘add_edit_event#theform_groups’,’/interface/main/calendar/add_edit_event.php?group=true’,150,0,0,’’,’{form_group:{presence: true}}’,’’,0,0,1,’’)
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id, title, seq, notes, activity) VALUES (‘page_validation’, ‘common#new-encounter-form’, ‘/interface/forms/newGroupEncounter
/common.php’, 160, ‘{pc_catid:{exclusion: ["blank"]}}’, 1)
Skipping section #IfNotTable therapy_groups
Skipping section #IfNotTable therapy_groups_participants
Skipping section #IfNotTable therapy_groups_participant_attendance
Skipping section #IfNotTable therapy_groups_counselors
ALTER TABLE openemr_postcalendar_events ADD pc_gid int(11) DEFAULT 0
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value) VALUES (‘lists’, ‘groupstat’, ‘Group Statuses’, ‘13’, ‘0’, ‘0’)
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value, notes) VALUES (‘groupstat’, ‘-’, ‘- None’, ‘10’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘FEFDCF|0’)
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value, notes) VALUES (‘groupstat’, ‘=’, ‘= Took Place’, ‘20’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘FF2414|0’)
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value, notes) VALUES (‘groupstat’, ‘>’, ‘> Did Not Take Place’, ‘30’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘BFBFBF|0’)
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value, notes) VALUES (‘groupstat’, ‘<’, ‘< Not Reported’, ‘40’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘FEFDCF|0’)
INSERT INTO openemr_postcalendar_categories (pc_catname, pc_catcolor, pc_recurrspec, pc_duration ,pc_cattype , pc_active , pc_seq)VALUES (‘Group Therapy’ , ‘#BFBFBF’ ,
‘3600’, ‘3’, ‘1’, ‘90’)
Skipping section #IfNotTable form_groups_encounter
ALTER TABLE forms ADD therapy_group_id INT(11) DEFAULT NULL
ALTER TABLE registry ADD patient_encounter TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘1’
ALTER TABLE registry ADD therapy_group_encounter TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value) VALUES (‘lists’, ‘attendstat’, ‘Group Attendance Statuses’, ‘15’, ‘0’, ‘0’)
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value, notes, toggle_setting_1) VALUES (‘attendstat’, ‘-’, ‘- Not Reported’, ‘10’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘FEFDCF|0’, ‘0’)
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value, notes, toggle_setting_1) VALUES (‘attendstat’, ‘@’, ‘@ Attended’, ‘20’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘FF2414|0’, ‘1’)
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value, notes, toggle_setting_1) VALUES (‘attendstat’, ‘?’, ‘? Did Not Attend’, ‘30’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘BFBFBF|0’,
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value, notes, toggle_setting_1) VALUES (‘attendstat’, ‘~’, ‘~ Late Arrival’, ‘40’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘BFBFBF|0’, ‘1’)
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value, notes, toggle_setting_1) VALUES (‘attendstat’, ‘x’, ‘x Cancelled’, ‘50’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘FEFDCF|0’, ‘0’)
INSERT INTO registry (name, state, directory, sql_run, unpackaged, date, priority, category, nickname, patient_encounter, therapy_group_encounter) VALUES (‘Group Attendance Form’, 1,
‘group_attendance’, 1, 1, ‘2015-10-15 00:00:00’, 0, ‘Clinical’, ‘’,0,1)
INSERT INTO registry (name, state, directory, sql_run, unpackaged, date, priority, category, nickname, patient_encounter, therapy_group_encounter) VALUES (‘New Group Encounter
Form’, 1, ‘newGroupEncounter’, 1, 1, ‘2015-10-15 00:00:00’, 0, ‘Clinical’, ‘’,0,1)
Skipping section #IfTable form_therapy_groups_attendance
Skipping section #IfNotTable form_group_attendance
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id, title) VALUES (‘lists’, ‘files_white_list’, ‘Files type white list’)
Skipping section #IfNotTable onsite_documents
Skipping section #IfNotTable onsite_mail
Skipping section #IfNotTable onsite_messages
Skipping section #IfNotTable onsite_online
Skipping section #IfNotTable onsite_portal_activity
Skipping section #IfNotTable onsite_signatures
INSERT INTO categories select (select MAX(id) from categories) + 1, ‘Onsite Portal’, ‘’, 1, rght, rght + 5 from categories where name = ‘Categories’
INSERT INTO categories select (select MAX(id) from categories) + 1, ‘Patient’, ‘’, (select id from categories where name = ‘Onsite Portal’), rght + 1, rght + 2 from categories where name =
INSERT INTO categories select (select MAX(id) from categories) + 1, ‘Reviewed’, ‘’, (select id from categories where name = ‘Onsite Portal’), rght + 3, rght + 4 from categories where name =
UPDATE categories SET rght = rght + 6 WHERE name = ‘Categories’
UPDATE categories_seq SET id = (select MAX(id) from categories)
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, notes ) VALUES (‘apptstat’,’^’,’^ Pending’,70,0,‘FEFDCF|0’)
ALTER TABLE registry ADD aco_spec varchar(63) NOT NULL default ‘encounters|notes’
UPDATE registry SET aco_spec = ‘patients|appt’ WHERE directory = ‘newpatient’
UPDATE registry SET aco_spec = ‘patients|appt’ WHERE directory = ‘newGroupEncounter’
UPDATE registry SET aco_spec = ‘encounters|coding’ WHERE directory = ‘fee_sheet’
UPDATE registry SET aco_spec = ‘encounters|coding’ WHERE directory = ‘misc_billing_options’
UPDATE registry SET aco_spec = ‘patients|lab’ WHERE directory = ‘procedure_order’
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType lbf_data field_value longtext
ALTER TABLE issue_types ADD aco_spec varchar(63) NOT NULL default ‘patients|med’
ALTER TABLE categories ADD aco_spec varchar(63) NOT NULL default ‘patients|docs’
Skipping section #IfNotColumnType onsite_mail owner varchar(128)
ALTER TABLE openemr_postcalendar_events CHANGE pc_facility pc_facility int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ COMMENT ‘facility id for this event’
ALTER TABLE form_misc_billing_options ADD onset_date date default NULL
UPDATE list_options SET option_id = ‘DK’, title = ‘Ordering Provider’ WHERE list_id = ‘provider_qualifier_code’ AND option_id = ‘dk’
UPDATE list_options SET option_id = ‘DN’, title = ‘Referring Provider’, is_default = ‘1’ WHERE list_id = ‘provider_qualifier_code’ AND option_id = ‘dn’
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default) VALUES (‘provider_qualifier_code’, ‘DQ’, ‘Supervising Provider’, ‘30’, ‘0’)
ALTER TABLE users ADD main_menu_role VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘standard’
ALTER TABLE openemr_postcalendar_categories ADD COLUMN aco_spec VARCHAR(63) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘encounters|notes’
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id,option_id,title) VALUES (‘lists’,‘apps’,‘Apps’)
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id,option_id,title,seq,is_default,activity) VALUES (‘apps’,’*OpenEMR’,‘main/main_screen.php’,10,1,0)
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id,option_id,title,seq,is_default,activity) VALUES (‘apps’,‘Calendar’,‘main/calendar/index.php’,20,0,0)
ALTER TABLE list_options CHANGE list_id list_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘’
ALTER TABLE list_options CHANGE option_id option_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘’
OpenEMR Database Upgrade http://localhost/openemr/sql_upgrade.php
1 of 4 7/12/2018, 1:47 AM
ALTER TABLE layout_options CHANGE list_id list_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘’
ALTER TABLE layout_options CHANGE list_backup_id list_backup_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘’
Skipping section #IfNotTable patient_birthday_alert
INSERT INTO supported_external_dataloads (load_type, load_source, load_release_date, load_filename, load_checksum) VALUES(‘ICD10’, ‘CMS’, ‘2017-10-01’, ‘2018-ICD-10-
PCS-Order-File.zip’, ‘264b342310236f2b3927062d2c72cfe3’)
INSERT INTO supported_external_dataloads (load_type, load_source, load_release_date, load_filename, load_checksum) VALUES(‘ICD10’, ‘CMS’, ‘2017-10-01’, ‘2018-ICD-10-
CM-General-Equivalence-Mappings.zip’, ‘787a025fdcf6e1da1a85be779004f670’)
UPDATE supported_external_dataloads SET load_filename=‘2018-ICD-10-Code-Descriptions.zip’ WHERE load_filename=‘2018-ICD-10-Code-Dedcriptions.zip’ AND
INSERT INTO supported_external_dataloads (load_type, load_source, load_release_date, load_filename, load_checksum) VALUES(‘ICD10’, ‘CMS’, ‘2017-10-01’, ‘2018-ICD-10-
Code-Descriptions.zip’, ‘6f9c77440132e30f565222ca9bb6599c’)
INSERT INTO supported_external_dataloads (load_type, load_source, load_release_date, load_filename, load_checksum) VALUES(‘ICD10’, ‘CMS’, ‘2017-10-01’, ‘2018-ICD-10-
PCS-General-Equivalence-Mappings.zip’, ‘bb73c80e272da28712887d7979b1cebf’)
ALTER TABLE x12_partners DROP COLUMN x12_version
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id, title, seq, notes, activity) VALUES(‘page_validation’, ‘add_edit_event#theform_prov’, ‘/interface/main/calendar
/add_edit_event.php?prov=true’, 170, ‘{}’, 1)
ALTER TABLE claims ADD COLUMN submitted_claim TEXT COMMENT ‘This claims form claim data’
ALTER TABLE billing ADD COLUMN revenue_code varchar(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT “” COMMENT ‘Item revenue code’
ALTER TABLE codes ADD COLUMN revenue_code varchar(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT “” COMMENT ‘Item revenue code’
ALTER TABLE prescriptions ADD txDate DATE NOT NULL
INSERT INTO list_options ( list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default ) VALUES (‘state’,‘PR’,‘Puerto Rico’,39,0)
Skipping section #IfNotTable erx_drug_paid
Skipping section #IfNotTable erx_rx_log
Skipping section #IfNotTable erx_narcotics
UPDATE globals SET gl_value=‘style_red.css’ WHERE gl_name=‘css_header’ AND gl_value=‘style_flat_red.css’
UPDATE globals SET gl_value=‘style_manila.css’ WHERE gl_name=‘css_header’ AND gl_value=‘style_tan.css’
UPDATE globals SET gl_value=‘style_light.css’ WHERE gl_name=‘css_header’ AND (gl_value=‘style_babyblu.css’ OR gl_value=‘style_metal.css’ OR gl_value=‘style_oemr.css’
OR gl_value=‘style_purple.css’ OR gl_value=‘style_radiant.css’ OR gl_value=‘style_sky_blue.css’)
UPDATE user_settings SET setting_value=‘style_red.css’ WHERE setting_label=‘global:css_header’ AND setting_value=‘style_flat_red.css’
UPDATE user_settings SET setting_value=‘style_manila.css’ WHERE setting_label=‘global:css_header’ AND setting_value=‘style_tan.css’
UPDATE user_settings SET setting_value=‘style_light.css’ WHERE setting_label=‘global:css_header’ AND (setting_value=‘style_babyblu.css’ OR setting_value=‘style_metal.css’ OR
setting_value=‘style_oemr.css’ OR setting_value=‘style_purple.css’ OR setting_value=‘style_radiant.css’ OR setting_value=‘style_sky_blue.css’)
ALTER TABLE facility CHANGE country_code country_code varchar(30) NOT NULL default ‘’
ALTER TABLE layout_options CHANGE group_name group_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default ‘’
ALTER TABLE forms ADD COLUMN issue_id bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0 COMMENT ‘references lists.id to identify a case’
ALTER TABLE forms ADD COLUMN provider_id bigint(20) NOT NULL default 0 COMMENT ‘references users.id to identify a provider’
Skipping section #IfNotTable layout_group_properties
Skipping section #ConvertLayoutProperties
ALTER TABLE openemr_postcalendar_categories ADD pc_constant_id VARCHAR (255) default NULL
UPDATE openemr_postcalendar_categories SET pc_constant_id = LOWER(REPLACE (pc_catname,’ ', '
ALTER TABLE openemr_postcalendar_categories ADD UNIQUE (pc_constant_id)
ALTER TABLE facility ADD facility_taxonomy VARCHAR(15) DEFAULT NULL
Skipping section #IfNotTable medex_icons
Skipping section #IfNotTable medex_outgoing
Skipping section #IfNotTable medex_prefs
Skipping section #IfNotTable medex_recalls
INSERT INTO background_services (name, title, active, running, next_run, execute_interval, function, require_once, sort_order) VALUES(‘MedEx’, ‘MedEx Messaging
Service’, 0, 0, ‘2017-05-09 17:39:10’, 0, ‘start_MedEx’, ‘/library/MedEx/MedEx_background.php’, 100)
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value, mapping, notes, codes, toggle_setting_1, toggle_setting_2, activity, subtype)
VALUES(‘apptstat’, ‘AVM’, ‘AVM Confirmed’, 110, 0, 0, ‘’, ‘F0FFE8|0’, ‘’, 0, 0, 1, ‘’)
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value, mapping, notes, codes, toggle_setting_1, toggle_setting_2, activity, subtype)
VALUES(‘apptstat’, ‘CALL’, ‘Callback requested’, 130, 0, 0, ‘’, ‘FFDBE2|5’, ‘’, 0, 0, 1, ‘’)
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value, mapping, notes, codes, toggle_setting_1, toggle_setting_2, activity, subtype)
VALUES(‘apptstat’, ‘SMS’, ‘SMS Confirmed’, 90, 0, 0, ‘’, ‘F0FFE8|0’, ‘’, 0, 0, 1, ‘’)
INSERT INTO list_options (list_id, option_id, title, seq, is_default, option_value, mapping, notes, codes, toggle_setting_1, toggle_setting_2, activity, subtype)
VALUES(‘apptstat’, ‘EMAIL’, ‘EMAIL Confirmed’, 20, 0, 0, ‘’, ‘FFEBE3|0’, ‘’, 0, 0, 1, ‘’)
ALTER TABLE log_comment_encrypt ADD version tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ COMMENT ‘0 for mycrypt and 1 for openssl’
ALTER TABLE form_misc_billing_options CHANGE icn_resubmission_number icn_resubmission_number VARCHAR(35) DEFAULT NULL
ALTER TABLE users ADD patient_menu_role VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘standard’
Updating global configuration defaults…
Updating Access Controls…
Checking to ensure all the proper ACL(access control list) are present:
‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL is present.
‘Physicians’ group ‘write’ ACL is present.
‘Clinicians’ group ‘write’ ACL is present.
‘Clinicians’ group ‘addonly’ ACL is present.
‘Front Office’ group ‘write’ ACL is present.
‘Accounting’ group ‘write’ ACL is present.
Adding new objects
The ‘Patient Reminders (write,addonly optional)’ object in the ‘Patients’ section has been successfully added.
The ‘Clinical Reminders/Alerts (write,addonly optional)’ object in the ‘Patients’ section has been successfully added.
The ‘Disclosures (write,addonly optional)’ object in the ‘Patients’ section has been successfully added.
The ‘Prescriptions (write,addonly optional)’ object in the ‘Patients’ section has been successfully added.
The ‘Amendments (write,addonly optional)’ object in the ‘Patients’ section has been successfully added.
The ‘Lab Results (write,addonly optional)’ object in the ‘Patients’ section has been successfully added.
OpenEMR Database Upgrade http://localhost/openemr/sql_upgrade.php
2 of 4 7/12/2018, 1:47 AM
Updating the ACLs(Access Control Lists)
Successfully placed the ‘Patient Reminders (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Physicians’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Clinical Reminders/Alerts (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Physicians’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Disclosures (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Physicians’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Prescriptions (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Physicians’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Amendments (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Physicians’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Lab Results (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Physicians’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Checking to ensure all the proper ACL(access control list) are present:
‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL is present.
Adding new object sections
The ‘Groups’ object section has been successfully added.
Adding new objects
The ‘Multipledb’ object in the ‘Administration’ section has been successfully added.
The ‘View/Add/Update groups’ object in the ‘Groups’ section has been successfully added.
The ‘View/Create/Update groups appointment in calendar’ object in the ‘Groups’ section has been successfully added.
The ‘Group encounter log’ object in the ‘Groups’ section has been successfully added.
The ‘Group detailed log of appointment in patient record’ object in the ‘Groups’ section has been successfully added.
The ‘Send message from the permanent group therapist to the personal therapist’ object in the ‘Groups’ section has been successfully added.
Upgrading objects
Adding ACLs(Access Control Lists) and groups
Updating the ACLs(Access Control Lists)
Successfully placed the ‘View/Add/Update groups’ object of the ‘Groups’ section into the ‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘View/Create/Update groups appointment in calendar’ object of the ‘Groups’ section into the ‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Group encounter log’ object of the ‘Groups’ section into the ‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Group detailed log of appointment in patient record’ object of the ‘Groups’ section into the ‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Send message from the permanent group therapist to the personal therapist’ object of the ‘Groups’ section into the ‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Multipledb’ object of the ‘Administration’ section into the ‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Checking to ensure all the proper ACL(access control list) are present:
‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL is present.
‘Physicians’ group ‘write’ ACL is present.
‘Clinicians’ group ‘addonly’ ACL is present.
‘Clinicians’ group ‘write’ ACL is present.
‘Front Office’ group ‘view’ ACL is present.
‘Front Office’ group ‘write’ ACL is present.
‘Accounting’ group ‘view’ ACL is present.
‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL is present.
Adding new object sections
The ‘Menu’ object in the ‘Administration’ section has been successfully added.
Adding new objects
Upgrading objects
Adding ACLs(Access Control Lists) and groups
Updating the ACLs(Access Control Lists)
Successfully placed the ‘Menu’ object of the ‘Administration’ section into the ‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Authorize - my encounters’ object of the ‘Encounters’ section into the ‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Coding - my encounters (write,wsome optional)’ object of the ‘Encounters’ section into the ‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Notes - my encounters (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Encounters’ section into the ‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Less-private information (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Encounters’ section into the ‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Sign Lab Results (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Patient Reminders (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Clinical Reminders/Alerts (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Disclosures (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Prescriptions (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Amendments (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Lab Results (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Authorize - my encounters’ object of the ‘Encounters’ section into the ‘Physicians’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Coding - my encounters (write,wsome optional)’ object of the ‘Encounters’ section into the ‘Physicians’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Notes - my encounters (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Encounters’ section into the ‘Physicians’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Less-private information (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Encounters’ section into the ‘Physicians’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘View/Create/Update groups appointment in calendar’ object of the ‘Groups’ section into the ‘Physicians’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Group encounter log’ object of the ‘Groups’ section into the ‘Physicians’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Transactions (write optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Clinicians’ group ‘addonly’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Patient Reminders (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Clinicians’ group ‘addonly’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Clinical Reminders/Alerts (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Clinicians’ group ‘addonly’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Disclosures (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Clinicians’ group ‘addonly’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Prescriptions (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Clinicians’ group ‘addonly’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Amendments (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Clinicians’ group ‘addonly’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Lab Results (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Clinicians’ group ‘addonly’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘View/Create/Update groups appointment in calendar’ object of the ‘Groups’ section into the ‘Clinicians’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Group encounter log’ object of the ‘Groups’ section into the ‘Clinicians’ group ‘write’ ACL.
OpenEMR Database Upgrade http://localhost/openemr/sql_upgrade.php
3 of 4 7/12/2018, 1:47 AM
Successfully placed the ‘Clinical Reminders/Alerts (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Front Office’ group ‘view’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘View/Create/Update groups appointment in calendar’ object of the ‘Groups’ section into the ‘Front Office’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Clinical Reminders/Alerts (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Accounting’ group ‘view’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Multipledb’ object of the ‘Administration’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Menu’ object of the ‘Administration’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Authorize - my encounters’ object of the ‘Encounters’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Coding - my encounters (write,wsome optional)’ object of the ‘Encounters’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Notes - my encounters (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Encounters’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Less-private information (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Encounters’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Sign Lab Results (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Patient Reminders (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Clinical Reminders/Alerts (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Disclosures (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Prescriptions (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Amendments (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Lab Results (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘View/Add/Update groups’ object of the ‘Groups’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘View/Create/Update groups appointment in calendar’ object of the ‘Groups’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Group encounter log’ object of the ‘Groups’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Group detailed log of appointment in patient record’ object of the ‘Groups’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Send message from the permanent group therapist to the personal therapist’ object of the ‘Groups’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Checking to ensure all the proper ACL(access control list) are present:
‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL is present.
‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL is present.
Adding new object sections
The ‘Manage modules’ object in the ‘Administration’ section has been successfully added.
Adding new objects
Upgrading objects
Adding ACLs(Access Control Lists) and groups
Successfully placed the ‘Manage modules’ object of the ‘Administration’ section into the ‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Manage modules’ object of the ‘Administration’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Updating the ACLs(Access Control Lists)
Checking to ensure all the proper ACL(access control list) are present:
‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL is present.
‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL is present.
Adding new object sections
The ‘Documents Delete’ object in the ‘Patients’ section has been successfully added.
Adding new objects
Upgrading objects
Adding ACLs(Access Control Lists) and groups
Successfully placed the ‘Documents Delete’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Administrators’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Successfully placed the ‘Documents Delete’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL.
Updating the ACLs(Access Control Lists)
DONE upgrading access controls
Updating version indicators…
Database and Access Control upgrade finished.
OpenEMR Database Upgrade http://localhost/openemr/sql_upgrade.php
4 of 4 7/12/2018, 1:47 AM

hi @Wizard353, you have the above in your log just like the linked thread which is why you’re getting the same error. Do you have a test system to try this on or have you been working with production?


I only have one machine to work with, but I can switch back and forth between the working 5.0.0 (8) version and the new 5.0.1 version by just halting xampp and MySQL and renaming the xampp directories, since the entire OpenEMR database “lives” under the xampp directory… There is plenty of room on the mirrored 500 GB SAS hard drive array to hold both versions.

When I finally get the 5.0.1 (3) version working correctly, I will regenerate it with the most recent database, and archive the working 5.0.0 (8) version “just in case”

hi @Wizard353, nice, could you delete the 5.0.1 and try again from scratch?


I’ve done that three times. Exactly the same result all three times. Backup of the working 5.0.0 (8) version is currently in progress.

Then, I will see if I can find and patch the 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 upgrade file before executing it today.
I really need to get this working.


David D. Speck MD

@Wizard353 can you check to see if you have the table layout_group_properties on your working 5.0.0(8)?


How exactly do I do that? I’m not familiar with the inner workings of MySQL. I’m more of a hardware person.

The server is running again, after cleaning out several years’ accumulation of dust. I will try another installation, editing the update file before executing it. .

David D. Speck MD

hi @Wizard353, if you take a look with phpmyadmin under admin->other->database. (recommend not editing the upgrade script)

I can’t access PHPMyAdmin under V 5.0.0 (8) because it gives the error “PHP 5.5+ Is required”.

If I had been able to access PHPMyAdmin under the current working version, I would have been able to upgrade to the latest ICD-10 code set, and I wouldn’t even be looking at 5.0.1 yet.


hi @Wizard353, you could use the mysql command line,

Stephen, Thanks for all of your suggestions. I hope that the powers that be patch the upgrade files definitively to save others the troubles.

I got tired of multiple unsuccessful efforts, so I finally edited the upgrade 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 .sql file to move the line in question out of the “IF - Else” clause, and now 5.0.1 (3) is working normally as far as I can see.

I have a small practice, with one doc, one nurse, and one secretary. We don’t have groups, teams, or squads, whatever they are, so I doubt that this tweak will ever affect me.

Now, to move on to the latest 14,000 ICD-10 upgrades. They’ve just released ICD-11, with 55,000 codes. I can’t wait for those!


We are seeing the same issue at multiple clinics attempting to do this upgrade.

Rod helped with this here group_id fix 5.0.1 upgrade by stephenwaite · Pull Request #1596 · openemr/openemr · GitHub

There are more of these lurking in 5.0.1. All I can say is be extremely cautious before putting both feet in the 5.0.1 water, you could lose some toes.
Deleting fields from database tables without thoroughly evaluating the consequences is an EXTREMELY dangerous risk to take, and I’m puzzled as to why someone would insert statements like that in the database upgrade scripts. Just because one person thinks a certain field is inconsequential doesn’t mean it’s meaningless, other sites may be making use of those fields for reporting, forms, etc. If the field exists, it probably exists for a reason, removing elements from production database table structure is a bad idea 99.9999999999999999999999999% of the time.
Also remember that the onboard PHPMyAdmin function has been purged from the Administration options in 5.0.1+, so it won’t be easy for most casual users to just pop in & fix the problem.