sepidpooy wrote on Friday, August 05, 2016:
I am trying to understand the relationship between the patient portal wordpress site and the OpenEmr Patient portal page in the following demo URLs:
patient portal wordpress site:
OpenEmr Patient portal page:
I was under impression that these two pages should show the same content after reading the Patient Portal Wiki in this website. However, it seems the wordpress stie is just a page with bunch of Forms that let patient enter his/her demographics.
How can I show the OpenEMR Patient Portal in a Wordpress page ?
It has been mentioned in the wordpress page that:
“When the clinic receives the demographics form it will verify who the patient is and link their portal account to their chart in the EMR. After this link is established then other information can be easily exchanged to and from the patient”
What is the purpose of this linking and what is the procedure to do it ? Does it mean that patients just need to create an account in the wordpress and then after the linking that account converts to the OpenEMR patient portal account ?
I do appreciate your help…