Unable to set up Azure Database for MySQL for OpenEmr

Hi. I have a Azure Database for MySQL flexible server running it the cloud. I’ve been playing around with OpenEmr locally and setting a local MySQL -database wasn’t a problem. Now I’d like to replace the local database with Azure database, OpenEmr will still be running locally at this point. I’ve set up a user openemr with a password for my database and I can connect into it using for example MySQL Workbench. I can also spin up the OpenEmr locally and go to the setup page. From there I choose the option “I already have set up the database”. But when I give the information of my database and click “Create Db and User”, I always get this error: Connecting to MySQL Server... ERROR. Check your login credentials. unable to connect to database as user: 'openemr' . I’ve attached the setup and the error pictures to this post. Would be nice to get some tips how to proceed with this if someone has had same kind of problems.

Hi Jani
Are you using docker and the docker-compose file to run OpenEMR locally? If so have you configured the docker-compose file to point to your cloud DB?