microkies wrote on Monday, November 07, 2011:
I have just begun working with OpenEMR and had downloaded vs. 4.0.0, created new fields in the Layout form, and added some patients into the system and all worked fine.
I then downloaded vs. 4.1.0 via the OpenEMR Appliance Script which installed perfectly, created new fields in the Layout form and have been trying unsuccessfully to add a patient.
I keep getting the following error:
ERROR: insert failed: INSERT INTO patient_data SET pid = ‘1’, date = NOW(), `fname` = ‘Ryan’, `mname` = ‘Kirby’, `lname` = ‘Ar’, `marker1` = ‘’, `clientID` = ‘11040’, `DOB` = ‘1997-08-04’, `admit_date` = ‘2011-08-04’, `ss` = ‘’, `med_num` = ‘’, `st_ward` = ‘1’, `primtherapist` = ‘’, `photo` = ‘’, `aka` = ‘’, `allergies` = ‘’, `birthplace` = ‘’, `sex` = ‘Male’, `hair` = ‘’, `height` = ‘’, `eyecolor` = ‘’, `weight` = ‘’, `rel_pref` = ‘’, `identmarks` = ‘’, `ethnicity` = ‘’, `street` = ‘’, `city` = ‘’, `state` = ‘’, `postal_code` = ‘’, `country_code` = ‘’, `contact_relationship` = ‘’, `mothersname` = ‘’, `phone_contact` = ‘’, `guardiansname` = ‘’, `phone_home` = ‘’, `phone_biz` = ‘’, `phone_cell` = ‘’, `email` = ‘’, `grade` = ‘’, `sped` = ‘’, `ssteacher` = ‘’, `hmmarker` = ‘’, `hmschool` = ‘’, `hmcontact` = ‘’, `hmscadd` = ‘’, `hmphone` = ‘’, `hmemail` = ‘’, `schoolfax` = ‘’, `deceased_date` = ‘’, `deceased_reason` = ‘’
When I look at the database, none of the newly created fields are there. I know this is the problem but I’m wondering how I can resolve this.
Also, I noticed after I had created a few fields, I would begin to get this error:
ERROR: query failed: ALTER TABLE `patient_data` ADD `test` VARCHAR( 255 )
Error: Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
I didn’t know how to resolve this so I would continue adding fields, as they would show up anyway. When I tried to delete the field, of course if said I couldn’t because the field hadn’t been created.
ERROR: query failed: ALTER TABLE `patient_data` DROP `test`
Error: Can’t DROP ‘test’; check that column/key exists
Can you please help with this?
Thank you,