Unable to add client

microkies wrote on Monday, November 07, 2011:

I have just begun working with OpenEMR and had downloaded vs. 4.0.0, created new fields in the Layout form, and added some patients into the system and all worked fine.
I then downloaded vs. 4.1.0 via the OpenEMR Appliance Script which installed perfectly, created new fields in the Layout form and have been trying unsuccessfully to add a patient. 
I keep getting the following error:
ERROR: insert failed: INSERT INTO patient_data SET pid = ‘1’, date = NOW(), `fname` = ‘Ryan’, `mname` = ‘Kirby’, `lname` = ‘Ar’, `marker1` = ‘’, `clientID` = ‘11040’, `DOB` = ‘1997-08-04’, `admit_date` = ‘2011-08-04’, `ss` = ‘’, `med_num` = ‘’, `st_ward` = ‘1’, `primtherapist` = ‘’, `photo` = ‘’, `aka` = ‘’, `allergies` = ‘’, `birthplace` = ‘’, `sex` = ‘Male’, `hair` = ‘’, `height` = ‘’, `eyecolor` = ‘’, `weight` = ‘’, `rel_pref` = ‘’, `identmarks` = ‘’, `ethnicity` = ‘’, `street` = ‘’, `city` = ‘’, `state` = ‘’, `postal_code` = ‘’, `country_code` = ‘’, `contact_relationship` = ‘’, `mothersname` = ‘’, `phone_contact` = ‘’, `guardiansname` = ‘’, `phone_home` = ‘’, `phone_biz` = ‘’, `phone_cell` = ‘’, `email` = ‘’, `grade` = ‘’, `sped` = ‘’, `ssteacher` = ‘’, `hmmarker` = ‘’, `hmschool` = ‘’, `hmcontact` = ‘’, `hmscadd` = ‘’, `hmphone` = ‘’, `hmemail` = ‘’, `schoolfax` = ‘’, `deceased_date` = ‘’, `deceased_reason` = ‘’

When I look at the database, none of the newly created fields are there.  I know this is the problem but I’m wondering how I can resolve this.

Also, I noticed after I had created a few fields, I would begin to get this error:

ERROR: query failed: ALTER TABLE `patient_data` ADD `test` VARCHAR( 255 )

Error: Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs

I didn’t know how to resolve this so I would continue adding fields, as they would show up anyway.  When I tried to delete the field, of course if said I couldn’t because the field hadn’t been created.

ERROR: query failed: ALTER TABLE `patient_data` DROP `test`

Error: Can’t DROP ‘test’; check that column/key exists

Can you please help with this?

Thank you,

yehster wrote on Monday, November 07, 2011:

This explains why you can’t keep adding columns after a while
Do you have a lot more columns you want to add when you run into the limit?
If not, then you can shrink the size of some of the columns in the database from 255 to something lower.

uhsarp wrote on Monday, November 07, 2011:

Is that the whole first message?  Also I usually copy the sql displayed in the error message and run it in Phpmyadmin and it usually gives a bit more info (like mismatched titles etc.). Also when some of the crucial fields are removed (like pricelevel), it’ll complain as well.