moving to a new server running 4.1 using a backup made from a backup made from a server runing 4.0. New server is running on Ubuntu 14.04. When I run the restore script, it stops and gives me this error:
Error: The phpGACL directory path ’ $phpgacl_location = dirname(FILE).’/…/gacl’;’ does not start with ‘/’.
What do I do. I looked around on the wiki, Ubuntu restore instructions are sparse.
Are you able to backup & restore as described here?
Because of the difference in versions, it may be necessary to upgrade prior to backup or to use the Linux version of this if the resident backup utility does not work.
I can backup without errors, it is in the restore process where I get the errors. I’ll try it by hand, but I know ancient Greek better than I know SQL (which is to say, not at all), so I’m not entirely sanguine about the results.