UB 92 billing

dkdipak wrote on Monday, March 24, 2014:


Is UB-92 billing possible thru open EMR? Can anyone guide me how to enable this feature?


tmccormi wrote on Monday, March 24, 2014:

No one has released a UB92 or x12 837i billing component for OpenEMR, so far.


dkdipak wrote on Friday, March 28, 2014:

Hello Tony,

I found in wiki somewhere it supports UB billing as well also on Github please see this link

ajperezcrespo wrote on Friday, March 28, 2014:

Thats ub92, ub-04 is the current standard. Needs a developers helping hand to come up to speed.

andyflces wrote on Friday, April 04, 2014:

I asked that same question a few weeks back (https://sourceforge.net/p/openemr/discussion/202505/thread/d75c0872/). I don’t understand why this is not more commonly sought after? We are an outpatient clinic, but all insurance ask for UB04 billing for our intensive outpatient program billing. We have Open EMR successfully deployed (with many modification to make it work for behavioral health setting), but now we have to manually write UB04 claims… Are we the only ones? :slight_smile:

fsgl wrote on Friday, April 04, 2014:

Institutional billers, i.e. hospitals, are often entities with considerable financial means to purchase closed source applications.

It’s an idiosyncracy that part of your services, that of nursing homes and of home health agencies are classified as in-inpatient care.

Would suggest that your organization commission an institutional billing module with one of the U.S. vendors and contribute back the codes to the project. As a result, American entities like yours and certainly our colleagues abroad will benefit greatly from your largesse.

Depending how good a negotiator you are, the cost of the commission may turn out to be less than the cost of capital and labor for the paper claims.