I know this needs to be a simple fix. However, we are starting to use the inventory module and writing Rx’s for in house inventory. Unfortunately only the “Fee Sheet” shows up under “Fee” and no other sheet (ie: Charges) for anyone but the administrator. What settings need to be changed so we can access the “Charges” and write the Rx?
Hi @mschap -
In the ACLs, add ‘Accounting-write’ access to whatever group you want to access the fees menu item.
This will give full access to all accounting functions, but that can be controlled by creating a new group, adding ‘accounting’ ACL to it, then deleting from that acl any functions you don’t want the group to have. Then finally: adding that custom group to any staff you want to have that access.
Best- Harley
Hi @mschap -
I reviewed the advice I gave above and saw it might be more complicated than you need.
If one wants to only give specific new ACLs to a user you can select them as I described above. The problem with that is, the desired individual ACLs can be difficult to determine- they’re not intuitively named, are poorly documented (without diving into the OpenEMR code) and often have unanticipated side effects.
However, if it is acceptable to give broader access- for e.g., you trust your receptionist to only use one of the items in the Fee menu, a quick and easy method is available.
Open the receptionist’s user profile (this pic is from the openemr 6 demo; the receptionist’s username is ‘receptionist’) and scroll down to the ‘Access Control’ list.
Hold down Ctrl and click on ‘Accounting’, to ADD that ACL to the user’s access permissions. You can barely see it at the bottom of the list but the ‘Front Office’ ACL is selected also.
This will give that specific receptionist full Accounting privileges (including complete access to the Fees menu item) in addition to their Front Office ones.
Hope that helps- Harley
Thank-you htuck. Works beautifully .