Translations and OpenEMR (part 4)

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, April 24, 2010:


Time for a translation update. Added 317 new constants: . Also updated tables in the demo and in cvs.

You can download the translations to your local OpenEMR (note these will overwrite your current translations). You can find download link and instructions (with screenshots) here:

You can test translations on the online development demo, which is using the new translation table:

Database statistics:
Total number of english constants: 4200
Total number of definitions: 27575
Arabic: 19% (805 definitions)
Bahasa Indonesia: 61% (2554 definitions)
Chinese (Simplified): 42% (1768 definitions)
Chinese (Traditional): 1% (7 definitions)
Dutch: 92% (3876 definitions)
English (Indian): 2% (70 definitions)
French: 1% (41 definitions)
German: 19% (798 definitions)
Greek: 84% (3528 definitions)
Norwegian: 21% (901 definitions)
Portuguese (Brazilian): 81% (3393 definitions)
Portuguese (European): 83% (3479 definitions)
Russian: 2% (89 definitions)
Spanish: 92% (3880 definitions)
Swedish: 57% (2386 definitions)


bradymiller wrote on Thursday, July 22, 2010:


Time for a translation update. Added 70 new constants: . Also updated tables in the demo and in cvs.

You can download the translations to your local OpenEMR. You can find download link and instructions (with screenshots) here:

You can test translations on the online development demo, which is using the new translation table:

Database statistics:
Total number of english constants: 4270
Total number of definitions: 30548
Arabic: 19% (805 definitions)
Bahasa Indonesia: 60% (2554 definitions)
Chinese (Simplified): 41% (1768 definitions)
Chinese (Traditional): % (7 definitions)
Danish: 56% (2392 definitions)
Dutch: 98% (4199 definitions)
English (Indian): 2% (98 definitions)
French: 1% (41 definitions)
German: 19% (798 definitions)
Greek: 87% (3726 definitions)
Norwegian: 21% (901 definitions)
Portuguese (Brazilian): 79% (3393 definitions)
Portuguese (European): 82% (3487 definitions)
Russian: 2% (89 definitions)
Spanish: 91% (3904 definitions)
Swedish: 56% (2386 definitions)

Biggest news is the Danish language, which is new and already half translated. Time to start pushing translations to get ready for the 4.0 release.


blankev wrote on Thursday, July 22, 2010:

**To all Translators, **on the latest Translation Info from Brady, I asked him to consider the following proposal,

Would it be an option to ask translators if they feel that their translation should be included in
the new release?

Behind this was the following reasoning,
I think there are some translators doing only the most important translations and think with good reason that it is good enough for use in their language.

I got the following reaction, so please send me an email if you want your translation efforts included in the next version 4.0 official release. This is not to implement translations with no activity for now and in the past but for real additional extra for users in the field.

Pimm, and all active participants in translations,
I would definitely agree to that. Much better that the Translators say
what’s good enough to pass.  Thanks, Brady
Feel free to send me a message at   pimmblankevoort at hotmail dot com.**

BTW If I can find the time you might get a separate message with the same info. Just to be sure that all translators can have read this optional implementation of their language translation efforts.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, August 24, 2010:


Time for a translation update. I updated tables in the demo and in cvs.

You can download the translations to your local OpenEMR. You can find download link and instructions (with screenshots) here:

You can test translations on the online development demo, which is using the new translation table:

Database statistics:
Total number of english constants: 4270
Total number of definitions: 34745
Arabic: 19% (805 definitions)
Bahasa Indonesia: 60% (2554 definitions)
Chinese (Simplified): 41% (1768 definitions)
Chinese (Traditional): 0.1% (7 definitions)
Danish: 56% (2392 definitions)
Dutch: 100% (4269 definitions)
English (Indian): 2% (99 definitions)
French: 1% (41 definitions)
German: 23% (981 definitions)
Greek: 94% (4007 definitions)
Norwegian: 21% (901 definitions)
Portuguese (Brazilian): 79% (3393 definitions)
Portuguese (European): 82% (3487 definitions)
Russian: 2% (89 definitions)
Spanish: 91% (3904 definitions)
Swedish: 56% (2386 definitions)
Turkish: 86% (3663 definitions)

Biggest news is the Turkish language, which is new and almost completely translated. Still have time to push translations to get ready for the 4.0 release.


bradymiller wrote on Monday, September 06, 2010:


Time for a translation update. Added 98 new constants: . Also updated tables in the demo and in cvs.

You can download the translations to your local OpenEMR. You can find download link and instructions (with screenshots) here:

You can test translations on the online development demo, which is using the new translation table:

Database statistics:
Total number of english constants: 4368
Total number of definitions: 35796
Arabic: 18% (805 definitions)
Bahasa Indonesia: 58% (2554 definitions)
Chinese (Simplified): 40% (1768 definitions)
Chinese (Traditional): 1% (7 definitions)
Danish: 55% (2392 definitions)
Dutch: 98% (4269 definitions)
English (Indian): 2% (99 definitions)
French: 1% (41 definitions)
German: 27% (1183 definitions)
Greek: 94% (4126 definitions)
Norwegian: 21% (901 definitions)
Portuguese (Brazilian): 78% (3393 definitions)
Portuguese (European): 80% (3510 definitions)
Russian: 4% (188 definitions)
Spanish: 89% (3904 definitions)
Swedish: 55% (2386 definitions)
Turkish: 98% (4270 definitions)

Still have time to work on translations to get ready for the 4.0 release.


bradymiller wrote on Sunday, March 06, 2011:


Time for a translation update. Added 356 new constants: . Also updated tables in the demo and in official codebase.

You can download the translations to your local OpenEMR. You can find download link and instructions (with screenshots) here:

You can test translations on the online development demo, which is using the new translation table:

Database statistics:
Total number of english constants: 4724
Total number of definitions: 36 620
Arabic: 17% (822 definitions)
Bahasa Indonesia: 54% (2554 definitions)
Chinese (Simplified): 37% (1768 definitions)
Chinese (Traditional): 1% (7 definitions)
Danish: 51% (2399 definitions)
Dutch: 92% (4362 definitions)
English (Indian): 2% (101 definitions)
French: 3% (155 definitions)
German: 31% (1452 definitions)
Greek: 88% (4138 definitions)
Norwegian: 19% (901 definitions)
Portuguese (Brazilian): 72% (3393 definitions)
Portuguese (European): 74% (3509 definitions)
Russian: 8% (375 definitions)
Spanish: 83% (3935 definitions)
Swedish: 51% (2393 definitions)
Turkish: 92% (4356 definitions)


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, March 12, 2011:


Time for a translation update and also updated tables in the demo and in official codebase.

You can download the translations to your local OpenEMR. You can find download link and instructions (with screenshots) here:

You can test translations on the online development demo, which is using the new translation table:

Database statistics:
Total number of english constants: 4724
Total number of definitions: 37393
Arabic: 17% (822 definitions)
Bahasa Indonesia: 54% (2554 definitions)
Chinese (Simplified): 37% (1768 definitions)
Chinese (Traditional): 1% (7 definitions)
Danish: 51% (2412 definitions)
Dutch: 99% (4661 definitions)
English (Indian): 2% (101 definitions)
French: 5% (229 definitions)
German: 31% (1453 definitions)
Greek: 88% (4152 definitions)
Norwegian: 19% (901 definitions)
Portuguese (Brazilian): 72% (3393 definitions)
Portuguese (European): 78% (3708 definitions)
Russian: 8% (375 definitions)
Spanish: 84% (3945 definitions)
Swedish: 51% (2393 definitions)
Turkish: 95% (4505 definitions)

A new option is for developers/users to build their own set of translation tables from the most current google docs spreadsheet (so you don’t have to await my official tables to test your translations). How to do this is described on the following wiki page section:


bradymiller wrote on Sunday, March 13, 2011:


Created a automated mechanism for the translation tables (from the google docs translation spreadsheet). These “development” tables can be found here:

For the geeks that care about the mechanism, here’s the bash script running off my server which leverages a new focused git repository:

(note these tables need to be downloaded/installed to test (via the screenshot instructions on above wiki link) and will not be used in the Online Development Demo)


bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, March 15, 2011:


The Online Development Demo now uses the daily development translations snapshot (just committed code to sourceforge to support this).

So, when a translator enters translations into the Google Docs Spreadsheet, the following now happens:

1) At 17:00 daily pacific time new translations tables are built from the google docs spreadsheet and available for download at:

2) At 7:02 AM daily pacific time the OpenEMR Development demo restarts and pulls in the most recently built tables from step 1:

3) The most current uptodate translation database statistics are always available here:

Wiki page here has been updated with this information:


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, July 16, 2011:


Time for a translation update. Added 461 new constants: . Also updated tables in the demo and in official codebase.

You can download the translations to your local OpenEMR. You can find download link (Daily Development Release link) and instructions (with screenshots) here:

You can test translations on the online development demo, which is using the new translation table:

Database statistics:
Total number of languages with translations: 20
Total number of constants: 5185
Total number of definitions: 38829
Arabic: 15.85% (822 definitions)
Bahasa Indonesia: 50.16% (2601 definitions)
Chinese (Simplified): 34.1% (1768 definitions)
Chinese (Traditional): 0.14% (7 definitions)
Danish: 46.52% (2412 definitions)
Dutch: 91.09% (4723 definitions)
English (Indian): 1.93% (100 definitions)
French: 7.83% (406 definitions)
German: 28.78% (1492 definitions)
Greek: 85.23% (4419 definitions)
Hindi: 1.49% (77 definitions)
Italian: 6.38% (331 definitions)
Norwegian: 17.38% (901 definitions)
Polish: 0.19% (10 definitions)
Portuguese (Brazilian): 65.44% (3393 definitions)
Portuguese (European): 73.48% (3810 definitions)
Russian: 7.23% (375 definitions)
Spanish: 78.84% (4088 definitions)
Swedish: 46.15% (2393 definitions)
Turkish: 90.67% (4701 definitions)

Question for translators. We are now using a standard coding set for immunizations (CVX) which contains 144 entries. Each entry has a short description and a long description. Would you like these descriptions placed in the translation engine (will add another 280 constants) or is it best to keep in English (since sort of like medications)?


blankev wrote on Saturday, July 16, 2011:

Imminuzations can be in English or Latin if you wish. For Dutch translations I don’t see any problem to keep them as is. If we wish we can always add to the list with our preferred text for the Dutch setting.

bradymiller wrote on Sunday, September 11, 2011:


Time for a translation update and getting ready for the release of OpenEMR 4.1. Added 169 new constants: . Also updated tables in the demo and in official codebase.

You can download the translations to your local OpenEMR. You can find download link (Daily Development Release link) and instructions (with screenshots) here:

You can test translations on the online development demo, which is using the new translation table:

Database statistics:
Total number of languages with translations: 20
Total number of constants: 5354
Total definitions: 41056
Arabic: 15.35% (822 definitions)
Bahasa Indonesia: 48.58% (2601 definitions)
Chinese (Simplified): 33.02% (1768 definitions)
Chinese (Traditional): 0.13% (7 definitions)
Danish: 45.05% (2412 definitions)
Dutch: 96.73% (5179 definitions)
English (Indian): 2.19% (117 definitions)
French: 37.64% (2015 definitions)
German: 27.87% (1492 definitions)
Greek: 84.11% (4503 definitions)
Hindi: 1.44% (77 definitions)
Italian: 6.18% (331 definitions)
Norwegian: 16.83% (901 definitions)
Polish: 0.19% (10 definitions)
Portuguese (Brazilian): 63.37% (3393 definitions)
Portuguese (European): 71.16% (3810 definitions)
Russian: 7% (375 definitions)
Spanish: 76.35% (4088 definitions)
Swedish: 45.83% (2454 definitions)
Turkish: 87.8% (4701 definitions)

Plan to finalize the translations at the end of this week for the OpenEMR 4.1 release, so please keep up with the translations in order to get them into the official release of OpenEMR. Plan to include the following languages in the official OpenEMR 4.1 translation tables:
English (Indian)
German (not sure yet; need some more translations)
Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese (European)

Of course, this list isn’t finalized; let me know if you have opinions regarding what to include or exclude for the OpenEMR 4.1 release.


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, April 14, 2012:


Time for a translation update and starting to get ready for the release of OpenEMR 4.1.1 . Added 165 new constants, which is listed here:  . Also updated tables in the demo and in official codebase.

You can download the translations to your local OpenEMR. You can find download link (Daily Development Release link) and instructions (with screenshots) here:

You can test translations on the online development demo, which is using the new translation table:

Language Statistics:
Total number of languages with translations: 27
Total number of constants: 5519
Total number of real definitions: 65615
Albanian: 0.96% (53 definitions)
Arabic: 21.65% (1195 definitions)
Bahasa Indonesia: 47.13% (2601 definitions)
Chinese (Simplified): 32.03% (1768 definitions)
Chinese (Traditional): 0.13% (7 definitions)
Czech: 0.25% (14 definitions)
Danish: 56.97% (3144 definitions)
Dutch: 97.01% (5354 definitions)
English (Indian): 2.16% (119 definitions)
French (Canadian): 41.46% (2288 definitions)
French (Standard): 46.82% (2584 definitions)
German: 30.48% (1682 definitions)
Greek: 91.74% (5063 definitions)
Hindi: 1.4% (77 definitions)
Hungarian: 0.02% (1 definitions)
Italian: 75.87% (4187 definitions)
Norwegian: 17.3% (955 definitions)
Polish: 12.14% (670 definitions)
Portuguese (Brazilian): 65.37% (3608 definitions)
Portuguese (European): 70.83% (3909 definitions)
Russian: 94.33% (5206 definitions)
Spanish (Latin American): 75.58% (4171 definitions)
Spanish (Spain): 75.83% (4185 definitions)
Swedish: 44.48% (2455 definitions)
Turkish: 89.84% (4958 definitions)
Ukrainian: 0.22% (12 definitions)
Vietnamese: 96.92% (5349 definitions)

Plan to finalize the translations in approximately one month for the OpenEMR 4.1.1 release, so please keep up with the translations in order to get them into the official release of OpenEMR. Plan to include the following languages in the official OpenEMR 4.1.1 translation tables (note this is just preliminary and there is still lots of time left to get more translations in):
English (Indian)
French (Standard)
Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese (European)
Spanish (Latin American)
Spanish (Spain)

Of course, this list isn’t finalized and there’s still lots of time to get more translations in; let me know if you have opinions regarding what to include or exclude for the OpenEMR 4.1.1 release.


avantsys wrote on Wednesday, April 25, 2012:

Due to differences between the Greek and the American insurance systems (not to mention the Greek e-prescription system, about which I don’t really feel like talking), there are a number of terms and messages that don’t apply to the Greek version. As for everything else, we’re always on top of the Greek translations (we’ve already done some serious copyediting work, and we’ve translated plenty of messages, alerts, notifications and terms).

semteacher wrote on Wednesday, April 25, 2012:

Today my staff colleagues submit me more then half of the Ukrainian translation. Hope in few days for revising it I will start with continuous editing online translation sheet

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, June 28, 2012:


A straightforward mechanism was added to the wiki at to enable translation of wiki pages (and thus user manuals):

A good place to start is the User Manual material, but anything on the wiki is fair game:


bradymiller wrote on Monday, July 23, 2012:


Time for a translation update and starting to get ready for the release of OpenEMR 4.1.1 . Added 224 new constants, which is listed here:  . Also updated tables in the demo and in official codebase.

You can download the translations to your local OpenEMR. You can find download link (Daily Development Release link) and instructions (with screenshots) here:

You can test translations on the online development demo, which is using the new translation table:

Language Statistics:
Language Statistics:
Total number of languages with translations: 27
Total number of constants: 5743
Total number of real definitions: 86241
Albanian: 7.63% (438 definitions)
Arabic: 21.26% (1221 definitions)
Bahasa Indonesia: 96.01% (5514 definitions)
Chinese (Simplified): 96% (5513 definitions)
Chinese (Traditional): 92.65% (5321 definitions)
Czech: 12.08% (694 definitions)
Danish: 54.74% (3144 definitions)
Dutch: 95.96% (5511 definitions)
English (Indian): 2.07% (119 definitions)
French (Canadian): 39.93% (2293 definitions)
French (Standard): 45.43% (2609 definitions)
German: 29.29% (1682 definitions)
Greek: 90.56% (5201 definitions)
Hindi: 1.34% (77 definitions)
Hungarian: 0.02% (1 definitions)
Italian: 72.91% (4187 definitions)
Norwegian: 16.63% (955 definitions)
Polish: 11.67% (670 definitions)
Portuguese (Brazilian): 62.82% (3608 definitions)
Portuguese (European): 68.07% (3909 definitions)
Russian: 96.05% (5516 definitions)
Spanish (Latin American): 74.28% (4266 definitions)
Spanish (Spain): 94.9% (5450 definitions)
Swedish: 42.75% (2455 definitions)
Turkish: 86.33% (4958 definitions)
Ukrainian: 96.1% (5519 definitions)
Vietnamese: 94.2% (5410 definitions)

Plan to finalize the translations in approximately one month for the OpenEMR 4.1.1 release, so please keep up with the translations in order to get them into the official release of OpenEMR. Plan to include the following languages in the official OpenEMR 4.1.1 translation tables (note this is just preliminary and there is still lots of time left to get more translations in):
Bahasa Indonesia
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
English (Indian)
French (Standard)
Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese (European)
Spanish (Latin American)
Spanish (Spain)

Of course, this list isn’t finalized and there’s still lots of time to get more translations in; let me know if you have opinions regarding what to include or exclude for the OpenEMR 4.1.1 release.

Please also note that there is now a commenting option within the constants to help with translations (and allow constants that have several meanings be used. See here for a listing of constants that are using this:


semteacher wrote on Monday, July 30, 2012:

Is it small mistake occured now in the Google spreadsheet at the 4218 row? I think there must be present term “Snomed” rather than “RxNorm”?

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, July 31, 2012:

Hi semteacher,
Thanks for the bug report. I just fixed it on the spreadsheet, in the OpenEMR code and in the inner workings of the translation engine.

bradymiller wrote on Sunday, June 16, 2013:


Time for a translation update and starting to get ready for the release of OpenEMR 4.1.2 . Added 409 new constants, which is listed here:  . Also updated tables in the demo and in official codebase.

You can download the translations to your local OpenEMR. You can find download link (Daily Development Release link) and instructions (with screenshots) here:

You can test translations on the online development demo, which is using the new translation table:

Language Statistics:
Total number of languages with translations: 29
Total number of constants: 6152
Total number of real definitions: 98200
Albanian: 16.64% (1024 definitions)
Arabic: 26.89% (1654 definitions)
Bahasa Indonesia: 90.12% (5544 definitions)
Chinese (Simplified): 89.68% (5517 definitions)
Chinese (Traditional): 86.51% (5322 definitions)
Czech: 17.43% (1072 definitions)
Danish: 51.11% (3144 definitions)
Dutch: 93.34% (5742 definitions)
English (Indian): 1.93% (119 definitions)
Estonian: 10.92% (672 definitions)
French (Canadian): 37.6% (2313 definitions)
French (Standard): 42.47% (2613 definitions)
German: 72.59% (4466 definitions)
Greek: 88.74% (5459 definitions)
Hindi: 3.48% (214 definitions)
Hungarian: 0.02% (1 definitions)
Italian: 87.96% (5411 definitions)
Norwegian: 15.52% (955 definitions)
Persian: 48.65% (2993 definitions)
Polish: 11.1% (683 definitions)
Portuguese (Brazilian): 58.65% (3608 definitions)
Portuguese (European): 63.54% (3909 definitions)
Russian: 90.57% (5572 definitions)
Spanish (Latin American): 93.16% (5731 definitions)
Spanish (Spain): 92.98% (5720 definitions)
Swedish: 40% (2461 definitions)
Turkish: 81.36% (5005 definitions)
Ukrainian: 93.24% (5736 definitions)
Vietnamese: 90.05% (5540 definitions)

Plan to finalize the translations in approximately one month for the OpenEMR 4.1.2 release, so please keep up with the translations in order to get them into the official release of OpenEMR. Plan to include the following languages in the official OpenEMR 4.1.2 translation tables (note this is just preliminary and there is still lots of time left to get more translations in):
Bahasa Indonesia
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
English (Indian)
Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese (European)
Spanish (Latin American)
Spanish (Spain)

Of course, this list isn’t finalized and there’s still lots of time to get more translations in; let me know if you have opinions regarding what to include or exclude for the OpenEMR 4.1.2 release.
