bradymiller wrote on Monday, April 12, 2010:
Placed code for review in tracker at in order to allow translation customizations (languages, constants, and definitions) that can be persistant, while also allowing continued updating with the “official” language tables.
Pimm and other translators, you’ll find this very useful. Allows local mods of the translations, while also allowing continuing to update the language tables with the google docs spreadsheet translations. Still in the early testing phase.
To see it work(after install patch in tracker in a test server and install openemr):
1) Customize the languages,constants,definitions in Administrion->Language gui
2) Download/install most recent set of official OpenEMR translations here:
3) Then go to Administrion->Language->Manage Translations:
—Top button will show how your previous local customizations diffrer fro
m the offical openemr translations
—Bottom button will synchronize you previous local customizations into t
he current language tables