Top frame blank

nevillefm wrote on Monday, December 19, 2011:

After deleting an event from the calender the top frame is blank on all the computers. No response on clicking the navigation items including ‘administration’.
Openemr version 4.1.3
Windows 7
Problem seen with browsers including IE, Firefox, Chrome
Cant access the backup/restore from Administration
Has the database got corrupted?
What  to do?

nevillefm wrote on Monday, December 19, 2011:

Can I reinstall from the latest for windows and then run restore from the backup file?

nevillefm wrote on Monday, December 19, 2011:

This is getting critical.
Reinstalled xampp-openemr4.1 for windows from scratch. Backup file is opening in 7-zip. Into which folders do I extract the tar files.
Windows7 OS