To Replace Gregorian calendar with Islamic one

Dear Sir/ Madam

I try to evaluate demo OpenEMR to see if I could use the real one in my own county. The main problem is the different calendar we use. It is needed to replace Gregorian calendar with Islamic calendar.
My question is which file should be edited and how?
Thank you for your help in advance.

I’m using the latest update of Firefox.
I’m using Windows 10 64 bit.
Kind regards

There are several approaches that you can take. I personally think that the code could be introduced to the main project. OpenEMR already has right-to-left ability and has both Arabic and Hebrew abilities. The screen shot I included shows where you would want to start.

Dear Daniel
Thank you for your comment. I am a doctor and not an expert in php. Is there any way to use e.g. a command by copying and pasting to use to convert the calendar from Gregorian to hijri or Arabic in OpenEMR?

Hi , If you are interested in achieving the calendar customization. Please let me know

Hi Deep Vyas. Thank you for your reply. Yes. I am interested in it. Would you help me how to configure it?