Hi all,
Please ensure you submit and finalize your GSoC proposal by March 31 18:00 UTC !
Hi all,
Please ensure you submit and finalize your GSoC proposal by March 31 18:00 UTC !
Note above time is in UTC; please convert that to your local timezone.
Another last minute reminder. If you have not finalized your proposal, please do so now. There is only 45 minutes left before the deadline.
hi @brady.miller submitted my proposal with some new touch
I am so sorry I missed the deadline.
hi @gutiersa ,
Great to have you back! You can always help with mentoring. Check out the projects and let me know if your interested in helping to mentor any of them.
Yes, I am interested. I am finally setting up my own openemr. Not sure of which to use for production server. The Docker version is good for production?
hi @gutiersa ,
Sounds great! I just sent you an invite to be a mentor. Check out the list of projects and let me know if your interested to comentor any of them:
Regarding production, best to use whatever you are comfortable with. Docker is nice since environment/dependencies are dealt with and has been time tested (dockers are used on all the aws cloud offerings).
Mentorship invite accepted
Ok, I am finally ready to do a brand spanking new install of openemr. Unfortunately docker for Freebsd is broken right now, hence I cannot use that. Therefore I am doing a new instal with Freebsd 12.1-RELEASE to run with IOCaGE and want to run it from within a jail.
I would like to document it all to then contribute it.
Do you know of a journaling tool?
also, I want to update dependencies, unless this has already been done.
Suggestions are welcome.
Finally, can you point to a beginner tutorial, I am having a hard time finding it and I am kind of in a time crunch? Or should I read the instructions in the documentation file?
Thanks bunch,
Oh, btw, which version of PHP 7 should I use?
Sorry, I did not realize I was posting.
hi @gutiersa ,
Will be neat to have a installation instruction set for freebsd. Rec using PHP 7.3 for now. The composer/npm dependencies were just recently updated. Regarding specific dependencies needed by FreeBSD, can see what is needed here by alpine/ubuntu:
Here’s a good starting point for installing on linux:
On it. Once I have it set up, where am I posting instructions?
hi @gutiersa, if you want to post them here we can add them to the wiki or feel free to create an issue on github.com/openemr and paste it there, thank you