Time Stamp

vivian765 wrote on Sunday, December 08, 2013:


We would like to add the current date / time stamp to an encounter form we’ve created; the format shoud be: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. Once saved, we would like the information within the form to be uneditable. According to this post, code has been written for timestamps: (not sure if it has been check-in to the repository and incorporated into a build)

We’re using:
Openemr version 4.1.2 with patches applied
Ubuntu Server 12.04
php.ini file has been edited with correct timezone info

I’ll try to upload my XML file and the files generated by the XML Form Generator.

Not sure what I’m missing; any help at anytime would be welcomed.

vivian765 wrote on Sunday, December 08, 2013:

The XML file for the created form: If needed, I will upload the generated files.