Time format - Is this a bug?


I am using version 7.0.2 on Linux Mint 21.3.

Admin->Config->Locale->Time Display Format is set to 24hr.

Yet the New Encounter Form → Date of Service calendar gives times in the 12 hr clock format.

Is this a bug or am I missing something?

Personally I find selecting the correct time from the 12hr clock to be rather confusing.

Many thanks.

Surely someone must know???

If time display is 24 hours and the time on the encounter form is listed in 12 hour format then yes that would be a bug.

Thank you. So where should I report it, please?

Hi @rdh61 , can’t reproduce it at OpenEMR Login.

Is this your locale config?

Sorry for the delay.

Yes, that is my locale config (see screenshot).

See also this link to photo of my new encounter date of service window: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HvItmtFWGMEaSmQ5gKoP5bwdKLEkHJG0/view?usp=sharing

Thank you.

P.S. There is a problem with uploading photos to this site. I am continually told the image is too big, that the maximum size is 5MB, even though I had reduced the photo to less than 700 KB, at which point it was no longer of sufficient definition to see properly.

hi @rdh61 , can you post a screenshot of your version please?

From the user settings in the upper right corner
Screenshot from 2024-01-31 11-52-58
click on the avatar and choose About OpenEMR and only include the version # since the Unique Installation UUID should be kept private

date format does not change either.

hi @sophisticated_acquis , unable to reproduce error on the 7.0.2 main demo

when toggling the date formats the date did not change from the default format for me. my format is stuck as DD-MM-YYYY.

can’t reproduce, what version are you running please?

dockerized standard 7.0.2 instance on aws

should work on 7.0.2, have you customized your instance?

thanks @rdh61 , think I understand now, you’re seeing this

Screenshot from 2024-02-01 12-09-13

Yes, that’s what I’m seeing.

thanks for the reports, think it’s fixed here

I’m running the docker version. If I do a docker-compose up -d will the fix be applied?

hi @rdh61 , no, it might be easiest to wait to apply the next patch.

OK, thank you. :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: