Testpilots for language support?

nahoj1976 wrote on Friday, August 26, 2005:


I have reached my first goal in adding language-support to openEMR. That means the calendar is OK as well as the main screens. (I had some problems with the calendar since month/year is native smarty code and therefore uses smarty language support and day/week uses ordinary php and therefore I have followed the same syntax as for the rest.

I have a few debugging-work to do but in about a week I think I can send any willing test-pilot a tar-ball with about 60% language-support in the system. By purpose I have not been into the billing-system yet since that is far too complicated for Swedish use. And I have not decided what forms I like so I haven’t done much there either.

What I ask from ‘test-pilots’ is this:
1) Is the code to heavy for native Americans that maybee never will use the language support? (It will be quite a few extra files, you know.) There is a balance between having small files with few extra variables and large files with many extra variables. I don’t know if I found the right balancing point. Any feed-back I appreciate.

2) If there is anyone with another language than English (someone in Canada speaking French? someone in south speaking Spanish?) it would be great if you gave it a try adding a new language just to help you see in what way the translations work.

Please send a message to my mail-box in sourceforge and I will get back to you with the tar-ball.


andres_paglayan wrote on Monday, August 29, 2005:

I am a native Spanish speaker, so I’ll add it to it when we got it.

nahoj1976 wrote on Sunday, September 11, 2005:

I have put up a tar-ball with the language-supported design. I am eager to hear if someone have downloaded it and started to look at the code. (I understand everyone have other things to do - but maybe at least downloaded it??)

I don’t give the address to the download here but anyone that is willing to look it over is welcome to let me hear and I send it to you.
