Telemedicine for OpenEMR

Telemedicine for OpenEMR.

MI-Squared is gathering requirements for an open source telemedicine solution (patient encounters via video conference) for OpenEMR.

A telemedicine integration would be beneficial to the entire community, but the cost of implementation is prohibitive for most individual businesses.

With this survey, we hope to identify parties interested (stakeholders) in a telemedicine solution and gather input from multiple stakeholders. We will then develop a flexible, extendable and robust solution at a low cost to stakeholders by splitting the cost of development among the stakeholders.

If you complete this survey, and you indicate that you are willing to contribute, you will receive the proposal (request for comment) for a telehealth solution based on collective input and have a decision-making role in the solution’s implementation.

Click to complete the survey here.


Today is the last day we are accepting responses to the survey. Thank you to all the participants. I will be reaching out this week to the stakeholders who indicated they are able to help fund this project. I will send those individuals an implementation plan, along with a budget and contract.

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Hey all,
I have come up with an implementation plan based on the survey results, and I’ll be sending it out to stakeholders tomorrow. In the plan, stakeholders will get access to the software nearly 5 months earlier than the rest of the community. Please let me know before 3/20/2021 if you’d like to participate and help fund this project. You may send me an email or a PM here.