(Shorabh Dhandharia)
October 25, 2017, 3:45pm
Can anyone tell me where I can find all the tables in openemr database with their fields.
Also, I am trying to see the database in MySQL workbench but not able to. I have ubuntu version installed on AWS and trying to connect from local using SSH in Workbench. was anyone successful in that?
If you need to view information about openemr database in MYSQL Console, follow these steps.
login in to MYSQL console and select the database using the command "use ; ".
For listing tables in database use the command “Show tables;”.
For viewing the table information use the command “desc ;”.
For connecting to AWS database from SSH in Workbench, Follow these steps.
SSH Host -> hostname/ip:22.
SSH User -> ubuntu.
SSH keyfile -> Key file location.
Username -> MYSQL User Name.
Password -> Mysql Password.
And click Test connection.
If the connection is not successful,check mysql users privileges and Provide the needed privileges and fush the privileges.
For providing all privileges to user use the sql command " GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO ‘username’@’%’; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;".
Please let me know if you have queries.