Surgeon sees patient in practice and hospital

oahendricks wrote on Thursday, January 15, 2015:

How would I setup a physician to bill for seeing patients in his office and
seeing patients at the local hospital where he also does surgeries?

Kind regards,

Owen Hendricks
PO Box 42944 | Atlanta, GA 30311

M: 404.245.3900 | F: 770.207.0954

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zhopenemr wrote on Thursday, January 15, 2015:

So usually you create service facilities for each hospital your doctor visits and enter those as your service facility. Then you select the POS code appropriately. Enter all your CPTs and viola, you are good.

fsgl wrote on Thursday, January 15, 2015:

  1. Set up hospital as service location, not billing location.
  2. Set up a Calendar Category for surgical procedure (optional).
  3. Choose hospital from New Encounter form.
  4. Select CPT, modifiers & ICD in Fee Sheet.