I suggest we add a new type called "Reminder" to the patient notes and only these should display on the front page, otherwise every note being added is being displayed. Another idea would be to have another checkbox on the patient note labeled "Remind Me" and only those will display on the front. The default should be user configureable (remind or not remind) set in the config.php or globals.php I guess.
It is somewhat confusing what the patient notes are supposed to be used for I guess. My wife (the Dr.) was assuming it was to be used for chart notes (as one of the types is labeled), but when they all display (unless the activity is turned off) it is quite messy on the front page. Also, the things one needs to authorize are below the notes section, so those would be easily missed or overlooked.
Patient notes are supposed to be seen by the person they are addressed to. If nobody needs to see one then it should be closed (marked inactive), in which case it still remains in the patient’s chart.
I see. Then one would be able to make a note immediately inactive if one so desired. That way the notes won’t clutter up the front screen as much and be more of a task list of things to do.
Well, it won’t be a very good task list if you don’t see it.
The general idea with patient notes is that if someone needs to do something about one, then it should remain active and addressed to that person. If they are not handled quickly then I can see how they may pile up and become annoying when you are not ready to deal with them.
Perhaps you’d want to add an option on the front page to “see none”, in addition to the current “see all”.