Hi all
I am on windows 8, running openemr 4.1.3 for years…This is just a question which was creeping in my mind…Currently I use Mercury Mail to send E-Mails via Openemr, Is there any other direct way of sending mail from openemr itself? I mean without Mercury mail? Please give suggestion for windows…
You do not need any local mail server to send messages. You need smtp client which you can install without server. Just use smtp server provided by your isp / hosting service or smtp.gmail.com with a valid gmail address.
You do not need any local mail server to receive messages. You need pop/imap client which can be installed without server.
By using mercury or other servers locally, you are able to send messages to other mailboxes in your office without needing internet connection. If you are not doing that, you are just using mercury for local logging / storage of sent mail.
Hi MD Support…
Can you please explain how and where to put the smtp.gmail.com in the code? Please explain the process a bit so that I can remove the mercury mail totally from using and send email from script or directly from openemr.
Do not remove anything until you get new settings working to your requirements. Note down the current settings before you try the following settings for gmail based smtp:
Email Transport Method : smtp
SMTP Server Hostname : smtp.gmail.com
SMTP Server Port Number : 465
SMTP User for Authentication : gmail login
SMTP Password for Authentication : gmail password
If you have Google Apps account, you will use login with the domain name (e.g. some_user_account@some_domain.com).
To test :
Set up an appointment or any condition that results in emr notification.
Run the cron job to emit notification
Log on to gmail account
Review the message in sent mail
With gmail or any such authenticated smtp hosted send process, it is good practice to direct any responses to another mailbox. Irrespective of any disclaimers, warnings etc., patients love to hit the ‘Reply’ button and write valid emails.
For US practices use of gmail has HIPAA implications. Appointment reminders are OK but notifications about availability of specific lab results are not.
Not sure where the error logs get written by openemr/library/classes/smtp/smtp.php. But chances are you may be missing one or more packages relied by php - e.g. openssl which gmail will need but not Mercury or a local mail server. Will have to check where the logs get recorded - did you check php, webserver or windows events?
Setup is lot easier on Linux. If messages are not being sent, you probably has a some system package missing. PHP and system logs should give you a clue.
Thanks MD Support
I have installed openssl, and I m able to sed emails from terminal command line.
I m ussing smtp.gmail.com and port number 587, I tried 467 also
When a click “Reset Onsite Portal Credentials”
Appointment reminders are cron jobs. This is something else. You will need to describe the process - why is it giving portal address in the error message?