Structured Note Templates for providers when visiting patients at home

I wanted to reach out to the community to hear your learning lessons on Structured Note templates for providers when doing home visits.

I have worked with other EMRs where we structure our note templates to pull in relevant / current data points into a template to facilitate a note workflow that has already been structured to be populated by the clinician having entered their assessments and notations. Essential after review labs, medication review, vital signs and orders, the last task would be to finalize a note.

When launching the note, all the other smaller bucket items in the visit would have been referenced into the Note Template. The provider would then review the note and sign it (or make edits prior to signing).

Has anyone created a structured note template in the fashion with Open EMR?

This seems to have the required capability but the healthcare data fields have not been incorporated. You might want to get with dev Jerry Padgett (OpenEMR forum: @sjpadgett) to talk about developing it.