Stacked burger menu top left -- not wanted

Good Morning,

When I access openemr in google chome the top menu changes from a line of choices to the stacked-burger style menu (I imagine it’s trying to be responsive to varying scree sizes) if the window size is greater than 90%

We will never be using anything but a pc monitor and the burger menu will never be needed and I’d like to disable it.

I’ll attach the two views below. Usually I cannot get the single line menu unless the chrome window is 90% or less but of course it’s not co-operating this morning.

Is there a way to disable the stacked-burger menu display



openemr 7.02.
php 8+
google chrome

Preferred single line menu 90% screen size:

Stacked burger menu – how to disable

The menu entries collapse when all of them cannot be displayed within available space. This will typically happen when device is small or in case of PC the display is large. Your options, in order of increasing efforts, would be:

  1. Try getting higher resolution monitor or play with your display preferences.
  2. Customize the top level menu items (search for custom menus). You can change top level entries e.g. Miscellaneous to Misc etc. , drop Modules if you do not use them - limitless possibilities.
  3. Hire developer and disable the menu collapsing behavior.
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I’ll play with changing some of the menu choices. We are not using them.