I am working on setting up the SSL encryption and I am getting this:
Error, unable to create the admin.p12 certificate
Google is not helping me much with this and I do not see anything useful in the discussions here.
Can this be an issue with the DSM OS on the Synology server I am using? I tried it however, in my XAMPP installation on my windows work station as well and have the same results. So, I am not sure what I am missing.
Craig - To get more help with this you need to provide more information, I
am assuming you are setting up SSL for Apache2 but maybe not?
What OS are you running on?
How did you create your SSL cert (was it self signed, did you buy it from a
commercial vendor?)
What’s your configuration in Apache2 look like?
I am setting up a Synology NAS which uses their own OS called DSM, a Linux based software package that is the operating system for the DiskStation. It is not exactly Umbuntu or Mint but similar. Some files are in different places and named differently. It uses MariaDB. Some modifications of Apache are also noticeable. So, there are some modifications I have had to make to get the OpenEMR up and running. It works. I now need to set up the encryption.
The DSM OS has its own SSL certificate module and I can create self-signed and add third party certificates there. So I am able to create a secure internet connection when logging into OpenEMR. I see the lock. Is this sufficient?
Or must I use the module in the OpenEMR for another reason. It appears to be designed for creation of self signed certificates. Or is it a module to encrypt the database separately? That is, do I need to encrypt OpenEMR as a separate item in addition to having and encrypted internet connection?
The SSL stuff is really a separate layer from OpenEMR. The SSL module within OpenEMR is really just to ease creation and use of certificates (this was created by Visolve awhile back) and do not need to use (guessing most IT folks do not use it and create their own certificates). It appears to do nothing special or specific in regard to OpenEMR, except that the logging engine may track it; Visolve can weigh in if I am wrong here.
Ok, thank you. It was confusing. I could not figure out why I would have to make a separate certificate for the Database and then if I did, how would that work (a separate domain?). Anyway, I get it now.