Squads. Can some one please tell us how to use squads

So, we can access the patient Issues. it has to be a setting somewhere but for the love of … I can’t find it.

Hi @juggernautsei
Have you searched the wiki? I’ll give you a clue: there’s not much to be found there.
Evidently OpenEMR has some config of ACLs and LBFs that gives the capability to manage a sports team! Like, allow users to record injuries or sport activities, etc.
I know squads have been present in the earliest versions of OpenEMR I’ve worked with-- the late 3.x’s-- but frankly I have never seen them actually used. I wonder if @brady.miller remembers what the deal is with them?

These are the only links a search returns; the most descriptive statement is in:
After the appropriate access to the notes have been established, it is important to also check if the patient is a member of any ‘squad’, and check to see if the user has permissions to the squad in question.

But the other links have breadcrumbs of clues:
‘Athletic Team’ - Customized for athletic team management.

it’s a datatype in LBVs…

Variable Used For Default Value
$GLOBALS[‘athletic_team’] True if we need to check squads. part of ‘sports team’ functionality. False


  • Section “squads” applies to Athletic Team use only:
  • Access Controls in this section define the user-specified list of squads.

At one time I know Forms Control had a form in it for recording sport activities but I haven’t seen it recently. But I don’t see a start- to- finish set of instructions on how to use them.

Have fun-- HT