mike-h30 wrote on Saturday, April 19, 2008:
I am not seeing a link for SQL Ledger on the billing page of OpenEMR. I have SQL Ledger 2.6.27 installed. I confirmed that I am able to get to the login page from this link.
The screen that appears shows the SQL Ledger logo, version 2.6.27, the word "Administration", and a password field. Inititially the password field was blank and once I logged in, I assigned a password.
Once I am logged into SQL Ledger, the next screen shows the following:
SQL-Ledger Accounting Administration
Login Name Company Driver Host Dataset Templates
openemr openemr Pg localhost openemr openemr
I followed the instructions written by Tekkno Genius in the /srv/www/htdocs/openemr-2.8.3/accounting directory and performed a manual install of SQL-Ledger for version 2.6.27. Rod recommended that I install version 2.6.27 because I am using OpenEMR 2.8.3. I chose the manual install because it appeared that the setup.pl script wanted to install a newer version of SQL Ledger (I think it was 2.8.X).
1.) Does this line in ws_server.pl need to be modifed to point to /var/local/sql-ledger? This is where I have SQL Ledger installed.
# IMPORTANT - modify this to point to your SQL-Ledger installation!
use lib qw (/var/www/sql-ledger);
(I copied “ws_server_26.pl” and re-named as “ws_server.pl” into /var/local/sql-ledger per Tekkno Genius’s instructions.)
2.) I am unable to login at http://localhost/sql-ledger/login.pl
What is the "Name" that goes here? "openemr" or "sql-ledger"? I tried both. With "sql-ledger" I used the "sql-ledger" password from the admin page (http://localhost/sql-ledger/admin.pl). With "openemr" I used the password that I created for user/login "openemr" that I created from the admin page (http://localhost/sql-ledger/admin.pl).
3.) When I created user/login "openemr" at http://localhost/sql-ledger/admin.pl, when I clicked save I received this error message:
FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "sql-ledger"
However, even with the error, user/login "openemr" was still created.
Is this a permissions issue? What should the permissions be set to for directory /usr/local/sql-ledger? They are root at the moment.
4.) Is there anything else that needs to be done to get SQL Ledger working with OpenEMR-2.8.3?
Please advise.