SQL errors after patch 3

After patch 3 i get SQL error logs in the apache2 error.log

```[Tue Nov 26 09:43:37.012684 2024] [php:notice] [pid 1040921] [client] SQL Error with statement:query failed: SELECT pid, lname, fname, mname, phone_home, ss, DOB, pubpid FROM patient_data WHERE 1 AND ( DOB LIKE ? ) ORDER BY lname asc, fname asc, mname asc, phone_home asc, ss asc, DOB asc, pubpid asc LIMIT 0, 50==>/var/www/xxx/openemr/interface/main/finder/dynamic_finder_ajax.php at 262:sqlStatement, referer: https://xxx/interface/main/finder/dynamic_finder.php
[Tue Nov 26 09:43:38.271234 2024] [php:notice] [pid 1040940] [client] SQL Error with statement:query failed: SELECT pid, lname, fname, mname, phone_home, ss, DOB, pubpid FROM patient_data WHERE 1 AND ( DOB LIKE ? ) ORDER BY lname asc, fname asc, mname asc, phone_home asc, ss asc, DOB asc, pubpid asc LIMIT 0, 50==>/var/www/xxxx/openemr/interface/main/finder/dynamic_finder_ajax.php at 262:sqlStatement, referer: https://xxx/interface/main/finder/dynamic_finder.php
[Tue Nov 26 09:43:56.928826 2024] [php:notice] [pid 1041024] [client] SQL Error with statement:query failed: SELECT pid, lname, fname, mname, phone_home, ss, DOB, pubpid FROM patient_data WHERE 1 ORDER BY lname asc, fname asc, mname asc, phone_home asc, ss asc, DOB asc, pubpid asc LIMIT 0, 50–Error writing file '/tmp/MYfd=168' (OS errno 28 - No space left on device)==>/var/www/xxx/openemr/interface/main/finder/dynamic_finder_ajax.php at 262:sqlStatement, referer: https://xxx/interface/main/finder/dynamic_finder.php
[Tue Nov 26 09:44:00.165831 2024] [php:notice] [pid 1041010] [client] SQL Error with statement:query failed: SELECT pid, lname, fname, mname, phone_home, ss, DOB, pubpid FROM patient_data WHERE 1 ORDER BY lname asc, fname asc, mname asc, phone_home asc, ss asc, DOB asc, pubpid asc LIMIT 0, 50–Error writing file '/tmp/MYfd=168' (OS errno 28 - No space left on device)==>/var/www/xxx/openemr/interface/main/finder/dynamic_finder_ajax.php at 262:sqlStatement, referer: https://xxx/interface/main/finder/dynamic_finder.php

**OpenEMR Version**
I'm using OpenEMR version 
7.0.2 patch 3
I'm using:
**Operating System**
I'm using: 
Did you search the forum for similar questions?
Did you check the logs? 

See above

Was there anything pertinent in them?
Please paste them here (surround with three backticks (```) for readability.
You can also turn on User Debugging under Administration->Globals->Logging User Debugging Options=>All

I was also getting errors for comlink telehealth but I disabled that module and those went away.

[Tue Nov 26 09:17:33.561661 2024] [php:notice] [pid 1040143] [client] [2024-11-26T09:17:33.561632-06:00] OpenEMR.ERROR: Comlink\\OpenEMR\\Modules\\TeleHealthModule\\Services\\TeleHealthRemoteRegistrationService->addNewUser() Failed to provision user {"username":"9d950713-0ee6-452b-ae37-30d108a8774c","response":{"status":"500","internalStatus":"0","bodyResponse":"","internalError":"cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate (see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html) for https://ctsivbdg.comlinktelehealth.io:28749/CTSIVB/userprovision"}} [], referer: https://xxx/interface/patient_file/summary/demographics_full.php```

I dont know if they are related but they didnt seem to be present when the patch was applied.


This may have been an error on my part. I copied the openemr folder before the patch and i was out of disk space. I will report back if I have further issues.
