SQL Error on Calendar

midder wrote on Wednesday, August 20, 2008:


I’ve been using OEMR for a few months now in a relatively large clinic. Suddenly this morning staff logs in and sees this instead of the calendar:

ERROR: query failed: select distinct id, username, lname, fname, authorized, info, facility from users where username != ‘’ and active = 1 and id like ‘%’ AND authorized=1 ()

I’m able to execute the query just fine through PHPMyAdmin. Has anyone encountered this before? And do you have any suggestions?


cfapress wrote on Wednesday, August 20, 2008:

Did you perform a software upgrade with code from the CVS repository?
Did anything change on your servers?

It’s strange to have a query work one day and not the next without something changing in the code. I suppose there could be something in your data that changed to cause the trouble too. Take a look at the Users table to see if there are any users that look odd.

I believe the error is coming from the file library/patient.inc in the function getProviderInfo.


midder wrote on Wednesday, August 20, 2008:

Thanks Jason.

No, I didn’t make any code or data changes. This is V2.8.3. I think I’m going to chalk it up to a resource issue. Some other processes were killed on the server and the app started working again. I know that the calendar is a resource hog, but the whole app but that part was working fine. Seems strange.

I’ve seen mention of an upgrade? Is it your opinion that the upgrade brings with it more stable/efficient code surrounding the calendar?

Thanks for your reply.
